What Can I do if I don’t Get Traffic to My Website?

November 27, 2014 0 Comments

traffic to your site

Traffic is the #1 issue in SEO world, and the foundation of any business. If you have traffic then you have a business and if you don’t have traffic then you don’t have a business at all.

Driving traffic to your website is not an easy task because it takes weeks and months of hard work.

But what if you do your best and still fail to get even a decent traffic? How can you improve the situation? Here are some tips I am going to share with you:


1. The first and the most obvious reason: your website was not indexed by Google and other major search engines. Normally, you don’t need to do anything because Google will index your site automatically.

However, if you find that your site hasn’t been indexed, then you need to create your Google account first. Then log into your wordpress account to enter the dashboard and install Google sitemap generator plugin.

Once you’ve done this, create an XML sitemap with that plugin. Finally, submit your sitemap using Google webmaster tools http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/

To check if your site was indexed just Google it (yourwebsite.com) and see if your site appears in Google search results. If your site doesn’t appear that means your site has not been indexed yet.

Note: If you update your site frequently (every week), then Google will visit your site more often, thus resulting in higher traffic.


2. You create content for your website without paying attention to keywords which ends in great posts that no one searches for. I’m not talking about keyword stuffing or creating content filled with keywords that no one searches or reads.

What I mean is that before creating content you need to do some research using the best keyword tool to know what keywords people search in Google or other major search engines.

Because people don’t search for articles in search engines, rather they search for keywords that bring them to your, or someone else’s article. So, after finding the right keywords you’ll get the idea what to write about, and then create your content.


3. You need to write what people want to read, otherwise all your efforts will be useless. Do some research in your niche to know: 1.What people search for 2.Find the best keywords that generate good traffic. What I mean is that you need to find a low competition keyword (QSR under 300) using Jaaxy. Remember that if you choose competitive keyword trying to outrank old websites that can be a waste of time.


4. You need to include your keyword in the title, and the description of your article, because it is the title and description that Google or other search engines’ crawlers read first. And it is the title that appears in search results.

Try to use your keyword once in the first paragraph, one or two times in the body and in the last paragraph of your article. But remember that you need to do all this naturally and not just repeating your keyword that doesn’t make a sense (keyword stuffing).




5. You need to be active on social media (Google +, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube). Your rankings don’t depend on being active on social media directly but it can help you seriously get better rankings in search engines.

Some specialists claim that your rankings depend directly on the number of tweets or likes but it is no true anymore. We all know that you can easily buy a lot of fake tweets or likes and Google is very well aware of that. That is why what matters in search engines is your Content.


6. You need to write a lot about the topic you’ve chosen. Some experts say that to write 500 words per article is enough to get it appear on the first page of Google. Yes, it is true and I know some website owners that have top ranked articles containing 500 words. But be aware that longer articles do rank much better and faster.

If you keep your articles within 1000 words they can rank faster and stay there for a long. To be honest, I don’t think 500 words are enough to cover a topic and Google does know it very well. I recommend you keeping your articles within 900-1200 words. Remember, content leads to traffic.


7. Try to interlink all your posts. This will allow your readers to read more of your content, stay longer on your website thus reducing the bounce rate of your website which will improve your rankings in search engines and will bring more traffic. Additionally try to link to few other quality sites in your niche.


8. Try to put not more than 1 or two affiliate links per page. Using a lot of affiliate links on every page of your website will not look good in the eyes of Google. Or I advise you to put affiliate links on a few pages of your site only and avoid using too many affiliate links on all other pages. This will increase your rankings thus bringing more traffic to your website.


9. Write original and engaging content that can really be helpful to your readers. If you use PLR (duplicate content) you will not get good rankings and traffic accordingly.


10. Write a lot of content and cover as much topics in your niche as possible. The more content you have the more of your pages will be indexed and possibly top ranked resulting in higher traffic. Remember that a website that has an original and engaging content (200 pages) will rank better and faster than a site having 50 pages of content.


11. Get your pages optimized. Don’t use outdated software to create your website. With WordPress platform you can create your website within a few minutes and all pages will be optimized for search engines. Just install All in one SEO pack plugin within your website dashboard.


12. Make sure that you have all the boxes unchecked in the Noindex settings of your WordPress All in one SEO plugin.


Finally, to get traffic from search engines you need to do things the right way and there is an online business community that can help you in this. Doing wrong things can kill your website rankings and destroy your entire business. That is why I recommend you to read my review of the WA below.

I hope my post was helpful. If you still have any questions, feel free to contact me.




Filed in: SEO

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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