Turnkey Profit Machines Review – My Realistic Review

June 3, 2017 6 Comments

Turnkey Profit Machines Review


Website: turnkeyprofitmachines.com

Price: $27 + upsells, $27, $47

Owner: Greg Konenko, Stephan Ciancio, Simple Spencer

Overall rating: 50 out of 100


Turnkey Profit Machines caught my attention a few days ago and now I want to write my review of the program to help you make the right decision.

First of all, I want you to know that my reviews are very realistic and I always do my best to be honest and careful when giving final verdicts.

But I’m not perfect. When it comes to Turnkey Profit Machines it’s a comparatively new program that was launched in October 2016.

So far there were sold 1500 copies through JVZoo and 2500 upsells. The program is very controversial in my opinion.

These three guys promote this program as a turnkey system that can make you a ton of money on complete autopilot and it doesn’t require any previous experience.


jvzoo market


I don’t know about you but I’m very skeptical when I see such claims because most of the time you don’t get results that you have been promised prior to your purchase. I’ve seen it many times based on my personal real life experience.

My Turnkey Profit Machines Review will open your eyes and I will show you exactly what you can expect from these guys. Keep reading because my review will be a bit long but I have to go into details so you can make your decision.


The main idea behind Turnkey Profit Machines

The idea of Turnkey Profit Machines is very interesting. Your goal as an internet marketer is to choose niches, pick bestselling products, build an online store and finally buy traffic from Facebook and start making thousands of dollars every single day. This is exactly what Greg and other two guys promise you through their turnkey system.


Pros of Turnkey Profit Machines

  • An in-depth training


Cons of Turnkey Profit Machines

  • Upsells
  • Unrealistic claims
  • Misleading video
  • No privacy policy page
  • No earnings disclaimer page
  • Requires monetary investment


The program is legit. You can order it or alternatively you can try my recommended program. It’s FREE to try ( first 7 days). I’ve been a member of this program since 2013. No credit card required.




Turnkey Profit Machines reviewed

The idea of Turnkey Profit Machines is not new. It’s all around having an online store and selling bestselling products from sites such as Amazon.com, eBay.com, AliExpress.com. But first, you need to choose a niche you are passionate about.

Your main goal will be promoting those products. Your main source of traffic is going to be Facebook, i.e. paid advertising. Turnkey Profit Machines training is very detailed.

You are going to learn some good stuff. And this strategy works. But there are some pitfalls that I will discuss later. The fact that you will be promoting popular products is very promising.

But trying to sell popular products is one thing while making real sales is a different story. The good part of Turnkey Profit Machines is that Greg provides training on how to drive traffic and make sales.

Many other low quality programs teach spammy methods that bring you zero traffic or it’s useless. When it comes to Turnkey Profit Machines it does provide training and the info is good and legit.


Turnkey Profit Machines members area


Turnkey Profit Machines training

Turnkey Profit Machines training consists of several modules:

  • Module 1 – Getting Started (Turning the key)
  • Module 2 – Reviving up the Profit Machine
  • Module 3 – Advanced Tips&Strategies
  • Module 4 – Scaling your business


Turnkey Profit Machines also has some other features that I’m very skeptical about:

  • Proven Case study
  • Super easy commissions
  • Complete Autopilot method
  • No list needed
  • Simple step-by-step system
  • 100% newbie friendly


Greg explains Turnkey Profit Machines system as follows:

  • Step 1 – Set up the Machine
  • Step 2 – Turn the Key
  • Step 3 – Bank Big Profits
  • Step 4 – Rinse & Repeat


Turnkey Profit Machines training video


Turnkey Profit Machines explained

Inside Turnkey Profit Machines members area you will find 16 videos that will explain the whole process to you.

Module 1 – Getting Started (Turning the key)

This module consists of 4 videos:

  • Video 1 – Introduction
  • Video 2 – Finding a niche
  • Video 3 – Product Research
  • Video 4 – Picking a product


In these videos you are going to learn how to choose a niche. This is very helpful because many people starting online get confused when it comes to choosing a niche. You will also learn how and where to find products to promote and which products to promote.


Module 2 – Reviving up the Profit Machine

  • Video 1 – WooCommerce vs Shopify
  • Video 2 – Shopify
  • Video 3 – WooCommerce
  • Video 4 – Store setup
  • Video 5 – Store optimizer
  • Video 6 – Autoresponder


In these videos you will learn where and which store application to choose and how to set it up. If you are not familiar you will learn how to use WooCommerce and Shopify stores.

In fact, WooCommerce is just a plugin that you need to install and activate it.

Shopify is more friendly but you have to pay monthly. The plans for Shopify vary and start from under $20 and up to $180. You will learn how to customize your store and integrate some other features into it.

You will also learn how to launch your email autoresponder service for scaling your business. This will allow you to send your subscribers notifications about discounts or some hot offers.

But first you need to build your subscribers list which is not easy. It takes months or even years most of the time. Or if you want to build it quickly then you need to spend money on advertising.


Module 3 – Advanced Tips&Strategies

  • Video 1 – Facebook account setup
  • Video 2 – Fan page setup
  • Video 3 – Setting up your first ad campaign
  • Video 4 – Ad strategy


In these lessons you will learn how to set up your Facebook account, your fan page. This will allow you to launch your Facebook ad campaigns, boost some of your posts in order to increase engagement and possibly make sales.

You will also learn how to find an audience and send them offers that may interest them. In short, you will learn all ins and outs of Facebook advertising.


Module 4 – Scaling your business

  • Video 1 – Scaling your business
  • Video 2 – Retargeting
  • Video 3 – Some other strategies
  • Video 4 – The wrap up


In these lessons you will learn how to make your ads even more successful that will earn your even more money. Facebook retargeting is another powerful feature you can take advantage of.

In short, retargeting means you will be showing your ads to people that already visited your site in the past few weeks, months and possibly remember your site.

Though this marketing strategy is powerful it requires a ton of effort, time and dedication in order to achieve success with it.

Unfortunately, you can’t use professional services like Adroll or Perfect Audience because they don’t allow affiliate sites. You will also learn how to use some other strategies, such as SEO, social media sites. These strategies are powerful, that’s true.

But how you apply them and what results you will get is totally another story. You can achieve super results and you can achieve zero results. No guarantee whatsoever. Theory is one thing while practice is another thing.


Turnkey Profit Machines tools


Turnkey Profit Machines 38K Case Study

In this module you will be shown a strategy that made someone a lot of money thanks to following Turnkey Profit Machines training. The study is actually over the shoulder videos that show you everything.

But you need to be very careful when watching or reading such info. It doesn’t mean that you will be able to achieve same results.

Many people think that after watching someone’s case study they will follow the same steps and make as much money as was shown in the case study. The truth is that it doesn’t happen most of the time.

You just need to analyze what you see and understand the general concept. Then you need time and it requires effort before you can achieve even decent results. And of course, it requires some monetary investment.


profit machine


Misleading presentation

Though Turnkey Profit Machines by Greg, Stephan and Simple is a good program and the strategies they teach folks are absolutely legit their approach is WRONG!

Their presentation video is full of crap and it’s totally misleading.

They try to convince you that once you pay them $27 or $16.45 and start following their training you will start making thousands of dollars within a matter of a few weeks.

They advertise their system as a turnkey system that will make you $10.000 per month on autopilot.


Here is the list of their claims:

  • You don’t need any experience or knowledge
  • You can receive your first check within 7 days
  • You don’t need to sell anything
  • It’s as simple as copy&paste
  • Super easy commissions
  • Complete Autopilot method
  • 100% newbie friendly
  • No more $0 paydays…
  • Your days of failing to make money online are officially over
  • No need to make huge investments
  • Go from $0 to $10k per month



I can’t agree with such approach. This is wrong. But if you take my warnings into account and pay for this course without expecting overnight success then I recommend it.

If you expect overnight success as was shown in the video then I don’t recommend it. You will be disappointed.

They don’t show their real customers or their websites so people like you and me can contact them and ask questions or their thoughts on the program. They have only one testimonial from Jason Harris which doesn’t look trustworthy.

They don’t even have privacy policy and earnings disclaimer pages on their websites. To me it doesn’t look trustworthy.

But like I said, the price for the course is affordable and the value they provide is worth it. But there are two other upsells ( $27 and $47). So, keep this in mind. And plus you need to spend money on Facebook ads.



Turnkey Profit Machines upsells:

First upsell – Personal Turnkey Case Studies – $27

  • Our personal “Copy & Paste” case studies
  • Our #1 favorite free traffic source
  • Exclusive Facebook group source
  • The 2000% ROI secret


Second upsell – Done for You Machines – $47

  • 15 “Done for you” profit machines
  • All the niches & Products (revealed)
  • 15 DFY ad headlines and copy
  • Today only: DFY “Turn key” website

Free webinars

There are also many other bonuses that you will get with Turnkey Profit Machines.


Can you copy paste Greg’s success?

Like I said, Turnkey Profit Machines provides a great value and you can learn a lot of useful stuff. But theory and practice is not the same thing most of the time.

What works for someone else doesn’t mean will work for you.

Facebook is great place to buy traffic for your business but Facebook ads requires a pretty solid budget because it’s not cheap. It’s way expensive than PPC traffic.

You need to run your Facebook ads and pay over $1 per click most of the time or even $2. After getting high relevance score your cost per click will start to drop. So, it’s not easy.

You can waste all your budget in no time.

For instance, I’ve been a member of one make money program that promised to teach me proven way to make a lot of money.

I followed their training and my results were very bad. I made zero sales, I got zero conversions. I asked them to help me with my ad campaign but the didn’t.

But on their sales page they promised that I would be making $1000 in 30 days. By this I don’t want to say that their program was a scam or that Turnkey Profit Machines is a scam too. No.

I just want you to be realistic and don’t pay much attention to their claims as to how much money you will be making after following their training. Take it with a grain of salt.

Some sites online that I’ve come across when doing my research of Turnkey Profit Machines promote this program and promise that you can make thousands of dollars every single day with little effort.

They claim they’ve made a ton of money following Greg’s training.



Unfortunately, I don’t see any proofs. That’s why my suggestion is to take all those claims and promises with a grain of salt.

You can be successful with Turnkey Profit Machines and you can achieve nothing as well. Don’t believe in their promises. So far, I’ve never seen a program that would make such big claims and that they would come true.

Most of the time it’s just a misleading presentation of the program. They just want you to buy their program. That’s it.

If you have the right understanding and the right expectations then you can buy Turnkey Profit Machines. Otherwise I don’t recommend it.


Final word on Turnkey Profit Machines

If you’re my loyal reader you probably know that I give scam verdicts in very rare cases. I don’t like to give such verdicts.

Sometimes people or owners of programs that I review send their complaints to me bashing me for giving such verdicts.

Anyway, I have to be honest and I understand that there are real people behind any program and they don’t want anyone to bash their program. I understand. But it’s not my fault.

I can’t hide true facts from people or mislead them. I give my honest and realistic opinion. And I always approve all comments. I never delete any comments even if I don’t like it.

When it comes to Turnkey Profit Machines what Greg and other two guys teach folks is legit. It’s true that people make a lot of money through online stores.

It’s true that SOME people can make a lot of money through Facebook paid advertising.

But it’s not going to work equally for everyone. What I learned from my experience is that what works for someone else doesn’t necessarily work for others. Even if you copy someone’s ad it may not work for you.

You can’t just copy someone’s success and paste it to your business. It won’t happen. Believe me, I know a thing or two. I’ve been making money online since 2013.

I tried many things, such as affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, paid advertising ( PPC, PPV, Facebook). I know what works and what doesn’t.

The main problem with Turnkey Profit Machines is that though Facebook ads is legit as a strategy, it gives different results for everyone.

I tried Facebook ads several times and have never had significant success with it. It requires investment.

You can easily waste $500 for 2,3 days with no results. You can even waste this amount in 2,3 hours.

There is no guarantee that you will make any money at all. I totally disagree with Greg that their system will make you money on autopilot. No, it won’t. I can’t say Turnkey Profit Machines is a bad program. It’s legit.

But their promises and claims are absolutely unrealistic and misleading. If you plan to buy this course you can do it. But don’t expect overnight success.

You can make money through this program and you can waste all your money as well.


Final glance at Turnkey Profit Machines

  • Training
  • Upsells
  • Unrealistic claims
  • Misleading video
  • No privacy policy page
  • No earnings disclaimer page
  • Requires monetary investment

Overall rank: 50 out of 100


Order Turnkey Profit Machines OR

Want a better alternative to Turnkey Profit Machines? Check this program out. It’s FREE to try ( first 7 days only).


About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (6)

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  1. TonyPuckerin says:

    Hi Rufat, I read, really scanned, your review of TurnKey Profits Machine, and must say it is very comprehensive and detailed.

    I am not encouraging anyone to scan like I do but when I come across such a detailed piece of content it begs me to scan quickly and get the point.

    Fortunately, you expressed it in the first few paragraphs and in your conclusion. I know your intention was to provide an objective review, and I am not interested in the product but it seems a little one sided. That’s my humble opinion.

    You did a great job of convincing the reader that they should not invest in this program. You must have saved someone a lot of wasted time and money. Thanks for sharing.

    • Rufat says:

      Maybe Tony you’re right. But I did my best to be honest and realistic without any exaggeration. It’s really hard to write an objective review because when you are too strict you can hurt the owner of the product. When you are not strict you can hurt readers, visitors by recommending them a bad product.

  2. Thomas Hall says:

    Hi Rufat the review you have laid out here is amazing every detail you need to know about Turnkey Profit. It really makes you think twice before you go straight in and buy there product. I like how you have explained everything step by step what it has to offer and what it doesn’t. Since you have experience do you think this program is worth trying out?

    Thank you for your help

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Thomas,

      Like you say, you need to think twice before you make your final decision. Regarding my opinion on the program I already said above. If you believe in their false promises and expect a ton of money just by following Turnkey training then I don’r recommend it. Because you will be disappointed. If you have realistic expectations then you can give it a try. Maybe you will have success with it. But keep in mind that it requires investment. You can make money or you can waste money. Keep this in mind.

  3. Ilias says:

    Hi Rufat and thanks for your Turnkey Machines review. I was impressed from their sales page and I was ready to buy it. Also, they do not tell you that you have to invest more money after the payment. It looks disappointing and strange to me. I am happy for finding this review and I will visit your site again.

    • Rufat says:

      Yes, that’s really bad. I don’t like such approach. First, they misrepresent their program and as a result of that people have wrong expectations as to how quickly they can make money. Second, they don’t tell people a single word regarding upsells after buying the main product. Third, they don’t people a single word about investing money in Facebook ads which requires a solid budget until you start profiting from your campaigns. I agree that it looks strange and a little disappointing. I can’t agree with such approach.

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