SFI (Strong Future International) Scam Review

December 10, 2014 26 Comments

SFI Dream



Product Name: SFI Internet Income

Website: https://www.sfimg.com/

Price: Free

Overall rating: 40 out of 100 

Final verdict: Not recommended


SFI is another program that promises people to make them rich fast.

If someone wants to know if SFI program is a scam or not it will be a bit difficult because it requires some research.

On the internet you will find both positive and negative reviews in regards to this company.

And before making a decision about SFI one must have some basic knowledge on how internet marketing works.

I’ve been involved in internet marketing for some time and trust me, I know what I’m talking about.

So, today I’m going to take a closer look at SFI to clarify as to what the SFI is about.

You can join the program for free which is really great.

If you can try a product before you buy it, it is great, BUT if you can’t benefit from it afterwards, then what is the use of trying it for free? Anyway, SFI is not a scam.


See my recommended program I’ve been a member of since 2013!



What Does SFI promise you?

  • So, once you join the program, you’ll become an Executive Affiliate
  • Once you become an Executive Affiliate you must recruit 5 other affiliates
  • You must teach those five affiliates how to apply the same steps and recruit others

The name of the company is (Strong Future International) which means that the owners of the program promise people that through applying 3 simple steps they will be able to build a strong future for themselves. Is this true? Let’s see.


Pros of the program:

  • You can join it for free
  • Theoretically you can start making money though later you’re going to realize that it’s not as simple as you might be thinking.
  • After becoming an Executive Affiliate you will be provided with a website for marketing SFI products and for each sale you’ll get a commission.

Cons of the program:

  • You need to move up and recruit all your friends, and family members. Otherwise you’ll not make any money.
  • Complaints about SFI program
  • You need to spend money buying gift cards to distribute them among your friends


How can you make money with SFI?

There are different ways and I’m going to show you:

  1. Theoretically you can make money with SFI by accumulating Versapoints. But how can you accumulate those points? When you join SFI you start completing tasks within the program and even may be asked to buy some products. Once you reach certain amount of versa points (1500) you can start getting your share.
  2. You can make money with TripleClicks if you join their affiliate program. Once you become an affiliate, you can start selling their products and each time you refer someone to TripleClicks you’ll earn Versapoints.
  3. You can make money by recruiting others. So, you invite other people to join the program and once they join, they start doing same things as you do. Your versapoints go up.
  4. Extra income streams. You can refer other sellers to TripleClick and increase your points. Also, you can participate in the SFI Pay-Per-Action program.


Can you really become rich with SFI?

SFI promises that once you join their program, you can start making money within hours. Is this true? I believe this is not the reality.

If you don’t have any experience in internet marketing you can easily believe them. Trust me, reality is absolutely different.

To start making money online requires certain skills and knowledge. You need to learn the basics of internet marketing first.

Anyway, inside SFI you will learn the process.


Make money with SFI


I can’t say that the program is a scam but what I think you will not make six figures. But who knows?Maybe you will. You can try it if you want.

When you join the program like this one, you start at the bottom and then you need to move up by recruiting more and more people under you and only few can do it.

And keep in mind that to earn versapoints you need to spend money.


six figure with SFI




Final word on SFI

There are many complaints about SFI. Though I can’t say that SFI is a scam.

As for the complaints, you can easily find many at Ripoff Report


not really a scam



complaint about SFI


If you read my article “Scam review” you’ll find that SFI has a couple signs of being a scam though it’s NOT a scam.

Remember that if a program promises that you can make six figures or start making money within minutes it’s not true. Anyway, SFI is NOT a scam.

Building a serious business online or offline takes time, 1 to 2 years at least. Anyway, due to the facts I mentioned above I can’t confidently recommend SFI.

But keep in mind that SFI is free to try and if you want you can give it a try. You don’t need to pay anything. Maybe this program will work for you. I don’t know. Maybe.

There is a much better option, such as Wealthy Affiliate – online business community where you can get trained and build your real business online.

I built my site and my business thanks to WA and the most important fact is that you can hardly find any complaints about WA on the web.

And the owners of WA, Kyle and Carson never promise anyone that they will be making money in minutes!

WA can give you all you need to build a successful business online BUT will you make an money or not completely depends on you.

If you follow the training at WA and apply what they teach you, you will be make money like many other successful members of WA that I know personally.

Actually, WA is the best program out there that I highly recommend to join. Please read my review of the WA and if you have any question don’t hesitate to contact me.


SFI is free to try. You can try it. My recommended program is FREE to try too. You can try both programs and see how each of them will work for you. It’s up to you. The decision is yours!





Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (26)

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  1. Martin Aoseb says:

    Hi I regret to inform you that my account has been frozen after six years I have been with the company I was trying to login several times but the results remain there is a problem with your account . Can you please re-activate my account with following login details SFI No 16664432 Password ID 7937nama Thanks a lot

    • Adam says:

      Hi Martin,

      Unfortunately, I can’t help you because I’m not affiliated with SFI. You have to contact the company directly through their website.

  2. I joined Sfi in April its not a very good company .customer service is very nasty .my account was suspended and then closed .i sent 5 tickets to cancel auto delivery .for order i placed in april i was charged on my paypal same order i didnt want .i asked for refund .to cancel order.customer service refused to refund .so l had to contact paypal for refund .because i opened dispute for the refund they suspect my account and told me to close dispute and they will not refund .so i contiued with dispute Sfi closed my account .i spent over $400.00 my money .l had to open dispute for return of my $400.00 because SFI closed account with paypal they helped me to get my money from SFI .they are scaming people .you cant ask for refunds they will not refund .you spend your own money buying t credits and VP points worth nothing.dont recommend any one joining this company .im glad i got out 2months of problems.

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you for sharing your story with us. I hope other visitors of my site will learn from your experience. It’s really bad that you had such a bad experience with SFI. I will now make a screenshot of your comment and put it on my website so other people can read it and avoid SFI.

  3. Arlyn Damayan says:

    Please do not put other oline business into a bad image just because you are promoting your own online business. Being in an online business has a good and bad impact and to be successful requires you to read, learn and apply what you have learned. And this concept was being recommended by SFI where no success to those who do not put an effort in there work and this is even applicabke to Your online business which you are promoting WA. No one can succeed in business without any hardwork and again, dont leave negative review just because you are promoting some other BUSINESS.


    • Rufat says:

      I don’t put SFI into a bad image. I wrote my review and I believe it’s not far from the truth. I didn’t say SFI was a scam. It’s free to try and anyone can try it. You are right, it takes effort to achieve success and it applies to any business or program. Promoting another program like WA is absolutely normal because I strongly believe it’s much better than SFI. I don’t see any problems with recommending it. A the end of the day both programs allow people to try them for free. Anyone reading my review can try them both and compare them. And then decide which one is better.

  4. Hello,

    Thank you for sharing your review and perspective on the Strong Future International (SFI) business opportunity. These type of shared contributions assist people who are seeking such opportunities to make a more informed decision regarding how they choose to invest their time and energy towards the goal of wealth building. I made a choice to join the SFI team as an affiliate on October 8, 2017. So far, my experience has been good. The simplicity of the business concept makes it very appealing. I find this program to be very well structured and thoroughly designed to guide an absolute novice to great business success in the affiliate marketing business. Well, once again thanks for sharing. Have a great day!


    • Rufat says:

      I’m really glad you find my review helpful and joined SFI. It’s not among my top recommended program but anyway it’s not a scam. If you like it that’s great. Don’t forget to come back here and leave your comment after trying SFI and possibly achieving some good results with it. My best wishes to you.

      Best regards

  5. Xavier says:

    Not scam. But not much benefit if your downline not working.

  6. You wrote:

    But it goes against what SFI promises to people about 6 figure income and starting making money after creating an account

    I have known SFI in more than 10 years, and it is 100% sure SFI have never promised these phrase, SFI is clear saying, if you work serious, you can make a significant income over the next 3 to 5 years.

    Why should the owner of SFI promise something, his own experience, from before he started SFI, know is not correct.

    Our President and Owner in SFI have got many pirzes for becoming on the best marketers long time before he started SFI.

    And his experience is, it was take him more than 3 years to make an incime, and he was in FACT one of the best.

    You are speak about a company, you are not know, and that is not ethical.

    WA is build on bad reviews of SFI only because the starters of WA was not get success in SFI.

    It was a good idea if you were go to SFI and research it there before you write bad about it.
    You can access a lot of information without be member, but instead are you coming with bad reviews of a company you in fact know nothing about.

    • Rufat says:

      There is a phrase on your website that says: can start earning money within hours. So, it’s from your website. I don’t think it’s the reality. Some people write dishonest reviews. I know. WA is not built on bad reviews. But I know that some people do so. I do my best to write real and honest reviews though I’m not perfect. If I get comments like yours and I see that I was wrong somewhere I do changes. I’m always open to a positive dialogue. After reading your comment I made some changes to my review. I changed the overall rating and at the end of my review I told that anyone can try SFI to see how it works for them. It’s their decision, not mine.

  7. Irena Lukic says:

    What work from home programme you can recomend and that not need investments? I would like to hear how to make some money without investing.

  8. Lucian says:

    The information you provide here are not correct.
    You promote WA in this kind on put in a bad light other Business.
    This is not fair play.
    Let me know what kind of money do you make in WA?
    How much streams of income do you have on WA?
    What compensation Plan provide WA.
    First of all before trowing mud read carefully what about si the business you want to read about.

    • Rufat says:

      Which information is not correct? Yes, I promote WA because it’s an ethical program and they don’t promise income in x amount of days. Regarding my income, I’m making $400 – $500 per month. Not too much, but my business is growing. The compensation is 50% commission from each sale. I’m also making some money with CPA marketing. And I never give people false promises. Regarding SFI, did I say that SFI was a scam? Did I say? I said in my review that SFI is a free program and anyone can join it and try. I don’t stop anyone. I didn’t say that SFI was a scam. It’s not a scam and it’s clear from my review. But at the same time it’s my website and it’s my right to not recommend a program if I don’t like it. That’s just my opinion. Of course, I may be wrong. I’m not perfect. But again, I clearly said in my review that SFI is a free program. Anyone can try it. The truth is that there are many complaints about SFI and the truth is that SFI is by far not the best program out there.

  9. Hi Rufat

    It’s hard to build any business and SFI is no different. I own a successful vending (drinks, snacks, bulk candy and toys) business. It required a significant monetary investment and lots of time.

    Most people believe that an online business does not require such investment and rightfully so. Because of all the hype that flows on the Internet, most people don’t believe that to become successful in Internet marketing a significant investment is required.

    But as I mentioned, SFI and any other online business requires a significant investment in order to earn a 6 figure income. I don’t yet earn a six figure income with SFI, but I am well on my way.

    Too many people look at online business opportunities like a job. With a job you get guaranteed results…high taxes and a life of indentured servitude. With a business you get a LIFE.

    Although SFI is simple for me to understand, I can understand how people get confused. However, Gery Carson is the best thing since the wheel and he has a well oiled machine called SFI (Strong Future International).

    To your success 🙂

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Anton,

      I agree that building a successful online business requires time and patience and some investment of course. But it goes against what SFI promises to people about 6 figure income and starting making money after creating an account. Anyway, I said in my review that SFI was not a scam but I don’t recommend it because there are way better programs out there. But if you are happy with SFI I wish you all the best with your business.

  10. Carlton Gonder says:

    Hi, Rufat,to a great degree instructive post. I am new on this online business lifestyle thing and I’m basically giving the underlying strides. Before I went over Strong future International and I was in vulnerability if it was defended paying little respect to an endeavor. I picked not to as it looked to some degree dodgy to me. I’m glad that I found Wealthy Affiliate, such a wonderful community of people and knowledge Will I ask what was your starting stage to have the ability to surrender your normal occupation and have a business in a manner of speaking?

    Thankful to you to such a degree!

    Yours Truly,

    • Rufat says:

      In my opinion, SFI is not a program I would recommend. But it’s free to join and anyone can see it from inside. Anyone can try. Maybe this is exactly what they are looking for. Who knows? But I’m glad you made the right decision by joining WA. You saved yourself from wasting your time.

  11. Michel says:

    Hi Rufat,

    I joined SFI some years ago when I first started internet marketing. I logged in each day religiously to get some points accumulated and even recruited some people. I think in the year or so I tried it I made $10 or so. Even when you do recruit people, you don’t make money unless they buy something. If nobody buys anything, nobody makes anything.

    I am not sorry I joined and still have my membership running. Didn’t have to invest anything but time. Learnt some tricks from the training and learnt what works and what doesn’t. Even managed to sell a book through triple clicks once. This one certainly didn’t do it for me. If you are looking to make an income, you may want to look elsewhere.

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Michel, and thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on my post. I really love getting comments from real users of the program because it does make a lot of sense and looks more convincing to people. And it’s really great that you are sharing your experience so other can see for themselves that what SFI promises is not going to work as easy as they want it to see and as they promote it to others. The only positive aspect of the program is that you can join it fro free and see for yourself whether it works for you or not. I think for the most part it’s a huge waste of time and after your comment my feelings became stronger about my verdict on the program. You say you’ve made $10 while these guys from the program claim that you can build a strong future with them and even make a 6 figure income. I think with all these facts, complaints and and your experience that you’ve shared with us it’s pretty clear that SFI is a waste of time. Thank you very much for your comment.

  12. NicoleJBN says:

    Hi Rufat,

    I think SFI is the biggest contrast I’ve seen so far. It’s not a scam but it is. But hey, isn’t everything we can’t figure out a scam?

    I joined SFI back in early 2014 and I was completely overwhelmed as soon as I got to my dashboard. It’s so complex that a new Online Entrepreneur/Internet Marketer doesn’t even know where to start. SFI doesn’t show precise directions and any training to create a business and generate money.

    While the concept seems to be great (it’s free to join), but there’s so much time needed to spend on that website. This is indeed wasted time you could have invested into your business.

    It’s a great review and it hits the nail on the head but just as you I don’t recommend this business opportunity, especially not to new business starters. Join Wealthy Affiliate instead. At least they show you step by step how to create a business from scratch. Something SFI is missing big time.

    Thanks for sharing.


    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Nicole for stopping by and leaving your valuable comment on my post. Sorry to hear about your bad experience with SFI, but it’s good that decided to leave your comment here and I hope it will serve as the best proof for those who are still doubt or thinking of joining SFI. It’s not a scam, but it’s really hard to achieve real success with this program because they don’t actually teach people any real strategies how to build a business online. WA offers completely different experience and if you follow the training you will be able to build your online business. It’s up to you to make it work. I mean, anyone can achieve success with WA if they are willing to put in the work.

  13. Rufat says:

    Glad you like the stuff. Just wanted to show people what the program really is and save them from poor programs, such as SFI. It’s by far and definitely not the best one on the internet.

  14. Ronny says:

    I must say i appreciate you making the effort to share these records with us.

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