Is Slice the Pie a Scam? Or Can you Become Rich with Slice the Pie?

November 3, 2017 2 Comments

Is Slice the Pie a Scam


Product name: Slice the Pie


Price: Free to join

Overall rank: 60 out of 100

Verdict: Legit


Slice the Pie is a very popular website that has been in the industry since 2007. I don’t know your reason for reading about Slice the Pie. Maybe you are looking for this info because you want to make some extra cash.

Maybe you’re looking for something that can make you a full time income online.

Right from the start I can say that Slice the Pie is not a full time income opportunity. It’s a little different. You can use this program to make some extra cash only.

You shouldn’t expect too much from this program. The program has a good reputation and absolutely legit. Who knows?

Maybe you can even come across blogs that call Slice the Pie a scam. If so, this is incorrect information.

If you want to know if Slice the Pie is a scam or not, my reply is No. Slice the Pie is not a scam. If you plan to join it you can do so.


Short review of Slice the Pie

Slice the Pie is the program from which two types of people can benefit, musicians and those who love music. I mean you can listen to the music, review it and give your opinion. For this action you will be rewarded by Slice the Pie.

Musicians can become more popular by participating in this program too. If you join Slice the Pie you will be called a Scout.

Anyone can join this program without any previous experience. Only you can decide if Slice the Pie is worth your time and effort or not. Because it depends on your money expectations.


Pros of Slice the Pie

  • Earn some cash
  • Get your commissions via PayPal
  • Free participation

Cons of Slice the Pie

  • You won’t make a lot of money
  • Some complaints





Slice the Pie Review

Once you’ve created your free account you can start reviewing musics and get your reward. The reward will be paid via PayPal but before you get your earned money you need to reach $10 threshold.

Generally speaking almost all similar programs that I’ve reviewed so far require from you to reach a certain threshold. It may be $5 or $10 or $20.

This is very normal. It’s designed in such a way so you take action in order to get your reward as quick as possible.

As a Scout of the Slice the Pie you will be listening to music in order to leave your opinion. Basically, it’s not simple.

You need to have some info about music in general otherwise you won’t be able to compete the tasks exactly as it needs to be done.


making money with slicethepie


After listening to the music you’ll need to write a few words about the music and give your rating. The more quality info you provide the more cash you can earn as a Scout of the Slice the Pie.

Writing general words won’t be accepted. You need to understand what you say and provide valuable and helpful information.

As I said, if you are going to write general words like, I love this music, I enjoy it… This kind of review is not counted as a valid review.

You need to provide an original view and opinion. You can’t choose just any music you want and copy and paste answers taken from other people.

The system will randomly give you tracks to listen to and you won’t even know the performer of the music.

You will be listening to the music for approx. 2 minutes and then writing down your opinion. You will also need to rate the song from 1 to 10.

BTW, if you leave irrelevant comment you won’t get paid at all or even your account may be terminated.


earning points


Once you’ve completed the task like many other people like you, the author of the music will review all those comments and will either approve them all or disapprove some of them.

Also, keep in mind that if you don’t have any knowledge at all in the field of music and don’t have an idea of what bass, vocals or lyrics is then you won’t be able to write quality review which means most likely you will be disapproved.


Who can join Slice the Pie?

In fact, anyone can join Slice the Pie because it’s totally free. After creating your free account you become a Scout and choose your scout room. Then you start your scout activity. The more you participate in the program the more money you can earn.

There are also other methods out there that you can use in order to benefit from Slice the Pie program.

For example, you can invite other people to join Slice the Pie and if they join through your affiliate link and then stay active within the program you will earn a commission.


Slice the Pie referral program


But you won’t make a lot of money from this method unless you know how to find a lot of potential people and get them to click on your affiliate link and complete registration process at Slice the Pie website.

This requires an experience in affiliate marketing, email marketing. It’s not easy but it’s definitely possible.

Most likely it will take months or even years until you build a huge list of referrals so you can profit from this opportunity.


Slice the Pie – Income potential

How much money you can make with the program like Slice the Pie depends directly on how active you are. Some programs can make you a lot of money if you’re active.

When it comes to Slice the Pie you simply can’t make a solid income because the opportunity itself is very limited. Anyway, as a Scout you can earn more cash if your scout rating is high. It ranges from 1 to 5.

Slice the Pie star rating:

  • Star 1 – $0.03
  • Star 2 – $0.06
  • Star 3 – $0.09
  • Star 4 – $0.12
  • Star 5 – $0.15

As you can see from their rating system the higher is your rating the more cash you can earn per review. If you have rating 1 you will earn $0.03 per review, while if you have rating 5 you can earn $0.15 per review.

In order to get rating 5 you need to be super active and complete a lot of Slice the Pie reviews. And I think you understand that you need to complete 66 reviews in order to earn $10.

And it’s in case you have rating 5. This means you need to review 66 songs every day in order to earn $300 per month. But I’m not sure if they have so many songs to review.

If you feel you like this type of activity you better ask from Slice the Pie support. To me it’s too time consuming and payout is very low. But it’s up to you to decide.


Things you must know before you join Slice the Pie

The good news about Slice the Pie is that you don’t need to qualify for their tasks. But if you don’t have any knowledge about music it will be extremely difficult for you to provide quality reviews.

This means your income will be very limited or your account can be completely terminated if you are not active at all. Plus your income is very limited.

You need to spend several hours a day in order to earn $100/$200 per month. Too much effort and time required in my opinion.

If you are serious about making money on the internet and want to spend your effort in the direction that will make you a solid monthly income then Slice the Pie is not the right choice. I would recommend to start with this program. It will take hard work but it’s worth the time and effort.


Complaints against Slice the Pie

As I said above, Slice the Pie is absolutely legit program and if you are a big fan of such income opportunity then feel free to join Slice the Pie. Otherwise I wouldn’t recommend it because the income is very limited in this program.

Also, before you join I would like you to know that there are some complaints I’ve come across on the internet about this program.

I didn’t do a lot of research to be honest but I found one complaint from someone who was unhappy with Slice the Pie.


Slice the Pie bad review


You can see the complaint from Rayo whose account was closed though he was expecting to receive his first payment.

I don’t know the actual reason why his account was closed. It’s hard to say why. But it looks like there was a misunderstanding between them.

He even calls them scammers. Anyway, though the complaint is serious enough in my opinion it’s hard to give final verdict about Slice the Pie based on one single complaint.


Final word on Slice the Pie

If you plan to join Slice the Pie I think you can do so. At least it’s a free program and you don’t lose anything.

But when it comes to complaints it’s hard for me to say something. I can’t guarantee that your account won’t be terminated as it happened to the guy from the comment screenshot.

Maybe he gives incorrect information. Maybe he is right and there was really a misunderstanding and his account was closed by mistake. I don’t know.

So, it’s up to you to decide. But I think the program is legit because there are very few complains about Slice the Pie which is normal in my opinion.

Almost all programs that `I’ve seen so far have some or many complaints.

When there are many of them of course it’s not good. In case with Slice the Pie it’s normal. My final opinion of Slice the Pie is that it’s not a scam.

It’s legit BUT it’s not for everyone. Because not everyone will want to spend their time for cents.

Instead you can write reviews and make WAY more money. My recommended program will teach you this. See the link at the end of my article.


Final review of Slice the Pie

  • Earn some cash
  • Get your commissions via PayPal
  • Free participation
  • You won’t make a lot of money
  • Some complaints
  • Overall rank: 60 out of 100
  • Verdict: Legit


If you’re looking for something more serious than Slice the Pie? Here is my top recommended program to make money online! Otherwise feel free to join Slice the Pie.


About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (2)

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  1. Pieter Streicher says:

    Hi Rufat,
    Thanks for a great informative article. We are always looking for new and more ways to compliment our income. There’s so many scams out there it is difficult sometimes to know if it is legit or a scam.
    Thanks to you i can now with ease of mind participate in slicethepie
    Thanks for a great review.

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you for the comment Pieter. That’s true. We all are always looking for new ways to compliment our main income and Slice the Pie is a good choice. But it’s not foe everyone because the income is limited. But if you still want it even after reading my review you can do so with no fear of getting scammed. The program is totally legit.

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