Is Financial Freedom Formula a Scam? Can it Really Give you a Financial Freedom?

November 29, 2017 4 Comments


Service Quality








Is Financial Freedom Formula a Scam


Product name: Financial Freedom Formula

Product owner: James


Price: advertised rice $197, actual price $9

Overall rank: 15 out of 100

Verdict: Not recommended


I recently came across Financial Freedom Formula and decided to do some research to see if this program can really give you a financial freedom.

Because many programs that I’ve seen over the past 4 years promise the same. But unfortunately, very few of them deliver on what they promise to people.

As you can see my verdict says: not recommended and that’s true. If I said FFF was a scam it wouldn’t be true.

Because this program can teach you how to make money. But still their approach is a little strange. For example, their pricing policy is wrong in my opinion.

They first start with $197 and then after several discounts sell you FFF for $9. I’ve never seen any legit product that would be using such a misleading pricing policy. And it really is.

If your product does really contain a lot of valuable information and you advertise it for $197 you simply can’t sell it for $9.

But there are also some other things that I don’t like about FFF. Ok, let’s see if Financial Freedom Formula is a Scam or not.


Short review of Financial Freedom Formula

Financial Freedom Formula is a program that teaches you how to make money online based on your passion and skills both combined. I mean if you don’t have any skills you can hardly make any money at all with this program.

You need to create an account at one or several freelance sites and start doing some work for people looking for your skills. For example, as a web designer you can create websites for people and get paid for it. That’s the idea of Financial Freedom Formula.


Generally speaking Financial Freedom Formula is not a scam but it’s a very specific program and is not for everyone. If you have a desire to build your very own online business and make money online check my recommended program which is my favorite program since October 2013. Start your free trial today.








Pros of Financial Freedom Formula

  • Training is not bad
  • Price is affordable


Cons of Financial Freedom Formula

  • Misleading pricing policy
  • Some bold claims
  • The site is down


Financial Freedom Formula review

Since the first day when I’ve started writing product reviews I always followed one simple rule. I never recommend programs that make bold claims because I don’t like or welcome such approach.

Because such programs make people believe that making money online can be done at the push of a button.

For example, let’s take a look at Financial Freedom Formula by James and see how this guy can help you with your business goals. If you are an advanced internet marketer then this program may be not for you.

If you are a complete beginner then you certainly can get some valuable information from this training course. As I said above, this program is mainly for those who have some skills and knowledge in any given field.

Let’s say you have a good knowledge of English and can proofread written material. This means you can go to sites, such as or and choose writing&translation niche and make money.

There are also niches, such as graphics&design, digital marketing, writing&translation, video&animation, programming&tech, business etc.

If you have skills in any of these fields you can create your free profile and start accepting orders. BTW, at Fiverr alone every day there are 950+ services sold, 5,600 services created, 30M projects completed, 5M+ website projects completed. Can you imagine how vast the market is.

You certainly have a chance to build a business and make money online by creating your profile at one or several freelance sites. For example, you can create graphics, make translations from one language to another, create video animations, audio files etc.

By explaining all this stuff I want you to understand that this is exactly what Financial Freedom Formula wants you to learn to do.

I mean this method or strategy is absolutely legit for any hard worker and a goal oriented person. I also mean that if you don’t have any skills at all then paying for FFF is a waste of money.

When starting this type of business you must realize that it’s not going to be an easy way of making money. Like any other business it takes time and effort in order to achieve your short term or long term business goals.

If you see someone in this business who is making a lot of money it means they have been long enough in this business and could build a solid track record.

They built a solid reputation and people trust them. If over time you can build a good track record at the site will award you a badge that says: featured or top seller.

If you can achieve a 5 score this means you are a trusted seller and a lot of people will be contacting you for new orders. Take a look at the screenshot below.


You can see that this seller is top rated and he has 74 orders in queue. But not everyone can get so many orders. Many sellers get 1,2 orders per month. So, it takes time for people to get to know you and the quality of your work.



This means that the strategy James teaches you works very well for some people who can provide quality service and have good skills.


false income claim


Unfortunately, James claims that you can make more money than you’re earning right now and for this you need only 30 days.

This is of course far from reality and you simply can’t expect making so much money in such a short period.

If you’re a super skilled man and can do what many others can’t then and only then may be you can start making a solid income within a couple of months. But it’s not a rule. Not everyone can do it so quickly.

When it comes to the claims that James makes it’s just a BS. Making $120,000 per year with this method for someone with zero experience is not going to happen as quick as it’s promised.

For this you need to find some other training that will explain more advanced stuff.

But at the end of the day though Financial Freedom Formula is being advertised for $197 but sold for $9 I can say this program is well worth it’s price.

At least you can start from this one and see how it will work for you.


Financial Freedom Formula members area and training

Once you’ve completed the payment you will get access to 5 webinars including welcome webinar. The length of all this stuff is around 30 minutes.

As I said, the training is not as advanced as I was thinking. The good thing about FFF is that it’s a task oriented training.

You will be completing tasks after watching training videos. But there is no “over the shoulder” experience in the video. You will be reading text on the screen when watching videos. I mean the training is not engaging and it’s boring in my opinion.


Financial Freedom Formula webinars


  • Webinar 1 – Find your profitable passion
  • Webinar 2 – Gain niche intelligence
  • Webinar 3 – From nobody to key player in 48 hours
  • Webinar 4 – Your first income online
  • Webinar 5 – Automate your online business


Generally speaking in these webinars you will learn how to turn your passion into a profitable business, i.e. find your audience.

You will learn what to do so other people can find you easily on those sites. Because the amount of money to be made depends on how easily people can find your profile.

This will be explained as well in the webinars. You will also learn how to automate your business through outsourcing some of your work. But outsourcing has two coins. It’s good because it will save your time BUT it will cost you money


What I don’t like about Financial Freedom Formula

I found two things that I don’t like about Financial Freedom Formula.

First, James uses misleading tricks that many other scammy programs do. This doesn’t mean that FFF is a scam but using such tricks is not good for the reputation of Financial Freedom Formula. I’ve never seen a legit program with a solid reputation that would use such tricks.


Financial Freedom Formula price



discount price



super discount


By misleading tricks I mean that FFF offers the product for $197 and then after several clicks away and discounts it offers the product for $9. This is insane. From $197 it goes down to $9.

But what if you don’t click away several times and agree to buy this training course for $47? Is it fair? I mean on the website the price is $47. BTW, their website is no longer accessible.

Second, their official pages that you see below are not accessible too. This is wrong.



Third, the site is no longer working


Financial Freedom Formula site is not working


Can you really make $2.000-$12.000 per week with Financial Freedom Formula?

In fact, based on what I know about making money online from my personal experience and friends of mine I can tell you that yes, making thousands of dollars per month, per week and even per day is absolutely possible.

From my personal experience I can say that making a few hundred bucks per day is achievable. I had days when I made close to $500.

When it comes to thousands of dollars per week I’ve never achieved it and I’m still struggling to achieve it.

Achieving it with Financial Freedom Formula is possible but hardly achievable. Especially because the site has been shut down.


Final word on Financial Freedom Formula

From my review it’s absolutely clear that making money the way James teaches is possible if you have some skills, knowledge and have a desire to build a business and become financially independent. But the main problem with FFF is that their site is no longer existing.

I chose to NOT recommend it. But you can find some other trainings about this type of business on the internet. You can continue your research if this type of business is exactly what you are looking for.

Otherwise there are many other legit methods of making money online. Affiliate marketing is the best method and I’m actually making money through affiliate marketing. See my infographic below and feel free to create your free account.


Final review of Financial Freedom Formula

  • Training is not bad
  • Price is affordable
  • Misleading pricing policy
  • Some bold claims
  • The site is down
  • Overall rank: 15 out of 100
  • Verdict: Not recommended



Founder of



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (4)

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  1. Christine McNeil says:

    Thanks! I actually received a call from them, unsure how they (Matt) got my number. Your time is appreciated!


    • Rufat says:

      I really wonder how they can call you if their site is no longer operating or maybe you are talking about another program?

  2. Dave says:

    Thanks for your interesting post. It’s hard for the beginner because we don’t know where to start and can easily be scammed. Your post helps to cross another one off the list without being scammed. Your post is realistic too because its good to have accurate expectations in financial earnings. Thanks again.

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Dave,

      Yes, that’s true Dave. It’s hard for a beginner to find the right program with so many scams and low quality programs that you can come across in almost every corner of the internet space. But that’s our reality. That’s why I always warn my readers that making money online is not easy. It involves a hard work and time. You need a guidance and support from someone who already burnt some money and knows where to start and what to avoid. Having real expectations is extremely important.

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