How to Blog For a Living in 2019

September 19, 2019 6 Comments



Blogging is not only interesting it can be monetized as well. Blogging is based on passion and interest which is why people love it and it looks like everyone wants to start a blog.

But not everyone can monetize it. It’s true that blogging can absolutely make you enough money to quit your daily job.

But there is a right way and there is a wrong way to do blogging.

The first rule of blogging is that success doesn’t come easy. Second rule is that success doesn’t come quickly.

But a lot of so called internet gurus promise quick and easy success. This is normal and understandable, because they want to make easy money and try to sell you their product.

The main problem in such a big lie is that when success doesn’t come easily or quickly as promised you think you failed. But in fact, you didn’t fail.

You were misled and convinced in quick and easy success.

The truth of this situation is that you took the wrong route. You believed liars.

Now you need to realize that you need to put enough effort and time into your business and start blogging the right way.

You need to learn what it takes to get to success. Once you know it you can do it multiple times and create multiple income sources.



How to blog the right way?

When you start blogging you will learn many different ideas that will bring a lot of confusion to your mind.

Some will teach you to focus on quality content, others on backlinks or social media or even paid advertising.

There are so many ideas and it’s so easy to get confused. At this step you need to start blogging using the right strategies.

Many people think:

  • Can I really do it?
  • How to create a really helpful site?
  • Can I get enough traffic?
  • Can I really monetize my website?

Yes, it’s absolutely possible and achievable with effort and patience and by doing the right things.

Because there are thousands of people who spent a few years online trying to make money and miserably failed. In fact, they wasted their time and effort.

Blogging starts with a website and creating helpful and engaging content that will drive traffic to your blog.

Once you start getting traffic you will learn how to convert that traffic into sales aka monetization.

But creating helpful content is not enough. You need to learn how to create it the right way and how to present it the right way.

It’s not just a bunch of sentences published on your blog. Content should be created strategically. Writing different type of content is a key factor in this business.

The right approach includes writing content like:


1. Response post which earns your blog a credibility from Google by helping people. It’s a kind of post in which you explain and describe a topic by doing an in-depth research.

By doing so you help people and establish yourself as an authority blog.

Such approach will also get you some links organically and improve your both your site rankings and organic traffic.


2. Ultimate type post (How to, 10 tips, Ultimate guide to). This type of post is going to become a shareable post that people love to read and share with others.

Such a post may include up to 4.000-5.000 words per post. This type of post will stay in top search for years to come and will generate a lot of traffic for your blog.

Creating such posts may require an in-depth research and hours of research and work but it’s worth the effort and time you put into it.



Pitfalls of Blogging

When you start blogging you need to have realistic expectations.

The # 1 reason why people fail in online business and quit blogging is because they expect content ranking explosion in 2,3 month period. This is simply not realistic.

At least you need 6 to 12 month period for full ranking results.

You need at least 12 to 24 months to get reasonable results in terms of your blog profit.

The main problem when it comes to blogging is that most people starting blogging quit in the first 2-3 months.

Then they complain for not being able to achieve success. This is because they had wrong expectations.

Starting a Youtube channel is also highly recommended.

Many people have a fear of starting a channel but they have to because it can bring a flood of traffic to your website and it’s much easier to get traffic from Youtube than from Google.

As I said, creating content for your blog may be either very profitable or totally useless.

If you do it right you can spend time and create a site with around 50 articles and make $1.000- $2.000 per month.

Such a niche website can be easily sold for $30.000 -$40.000. This is a very good investment in terms of time and effort.

You can either keep such a site and continue making money for yourself or you can sell it and create another new site and sell it again.

Selling blogs is highly profitable if you know how to do it and how to monetize it.

You can make money even with 10 posts properly written. At some point you can start outsourcing content creation. It’s optional.

Outsourcing is a good way to turn your blog into a passive income source over time. You need to find good writers and train them so they write exactly as you want.

It’s time consuming at that point but very effective in perspective.

Also, consider creating your own info product because it’s very profitable.

If your blog traffic is at least around 200-300 visits a day it does make a sense to create your own info product. It takes some time and effort but highly profitable.

Especially, you can sell your product very well if you have subscribers on your youtube channel or thanks to email marketing.



What not to do when starting blogging?

Avoid mistakes when starting blogging. Don’t focus on low quality content and a bunch of backlinks. It will not get you enough traffic or sustainable business online.

Focus on creating quality content instead. Links will come naturally and organically.

Don’t waste your time on Facebook. I know people that have 600.000 followers on Facebook and they get no traffic. Facebook is unfriendly for bloggers.

Use Pinterest and Youtube instead.

The best course that teaches you how to blog the right way and monetize it is the one called Income School.

It includes 60 steps and very helpful community that will help you create a sustainable business online within 12-24 month period.

The course is constantly updated. It shows you what to avoid to spend your time wisely and what to do exactly to create a successful blog online.

With this course you can achieve your goal within 12-24 months.

I know firsthand that it’s hard to get anywhere without proper knowledge and helpful community.

Join it and start your online business on the right foot from Day 1.







About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (6)

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  1. Wayne says:

    I can’t really disagree with anything you’ve said here, Adam.  Blogging can be very lucrative indeed.  

    I can’t say I’ve heard of “Income School” but it sounds interesting and something I would like to try.  Unfortunately, though, I am on a fixed income so I don’t have any extra $$$ to put towards this at the moment.  It would be nice if they had a free membership for a limited time so people could check it out.

    The one thing I was wondering about was… Does one have to be a paying member in order to be an Affiliate for this training platform?  I’m guessing that the answer would be “Yes”.  I watched the video and checked out what I could so I do see the value in this.

    The platform you and I are both part of teaches a lot of the same things but I think this might be a little more focused on the blog part.

    Thanks for this info.  Interested but no money,


    • Adam says:

      That’s true. It’s a lucrative way to earn a living online. But sometimes it can be frustrating too. Especially, when it comes to getting rankings in search engines. Because as a blogger your traffic and income depend on your rankings in search engines. The training at Income School is very good and highly recommended. No, you don’t need to be a paying member to be an affiliate of it. And yes, that program is more focused on the blog part and especially how to write content and how to structure it the right way for maximum rankings in search engines.

  2. Tony says:

    I’m so glad I found your website! I have been thinking about blogging for a while but didn’t know where to start or even how.

    I didn’t realise how long it could take to actually start making money with this but I really appreciate the honesty. I’ve been caught out by a couple of “get rich quick” schemes and lost money as a result. I will not be going for anything like that again. I will definitely look further into this.

    Many thanks


    • Adam says:

      You know, blogging can be easy sometimes and at times it becomes annoyingly frustrating because of the traffic. Some blogs get ranked easily while others are struggling. Get rich scheme programs never teach you building a business on a solid foundation. Believe me, I’ve been there. It’s a waste of time. It’s better to invest your money, energy and time into blogging and it will be pay off sooner or later.

  3. Chris McIntosh says:

    Great content here!  I started blogging about 3 months ago.  I have found it as a great stress relief.  It gives me an opportunity to let my brain run wild and exhaust itself.  Great tips in here. I look forward to reading more of what you write! Saved this page to my bookmarks. Again great info, Thanks!

    • Adam says:

      When you blog based on your passion and interest it becomes a kind of stress relief. In fact, it’s the very foundation of blogging and when you can additionally earn an income from blogging it adds even more fun to what you are doing.

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