Daily Cash Siphon Review: Affiliate or Siphon System?

May 24, 2020 0 Comments

Daily Cash Siphon

$17 monthly







Overall Quality



  • Decent affiliate marketing training
  • Money back guarantee


  • Parker’s approach is totally misleading
  • Unrealizable income claims
  • No supportive community
  • Upsells up to $500




Product name: Daily Cash Siphon

Website: DailyCashSiphon.com

Owner: Chris Parker (William Fairbrother)

Price: $17/month plus hidden costs up to $500

Overall rank: 3 out of 10


If you are reading this review you probably want to learn the secrets of making money online. It’s totally understandable. I’ve been there like you.

I know those secrets and can teach you. When it comes to Chris Parker he knows them too.

But to teach you those secrets, he created a program called Daily Cash Siphon.

The program is very controversial which is based not only on my opinion, but on the opinion of almost all affiliate marketers.

Generally speaking, Daily Cash Siphon is not recommended. But let’s find out if Daily Cash Siphon is a scam or legit?



Short Review of Daily Cash Siphon

Daily Cash Siphon is a Clickbank product teaching you affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a proven method to make money online.

Though the idea is legit, Chris Parker does it the wrong way. He provides little value and makes big promises he can’t fulfill.

I would avoid Daily Cash Siphon because there are other programs available, way more effective and with a more realistic approach.



Pros of Daily Cash Siphon

– Decent affiliate marketing training
– Money back guarantee



Cons of Daily Cash Siphon

– Parker’s approach is totally misleading
– Unrealizable income claims
– No supportive community
– Upsells up to $500



You are free to read the whole review of Daily Cash Siphon by Chris Parker. In short, the program is NOT recommended due to many flaws described further within my review. If you don’t waste your time and want to find a legit program click on the link below. It’s FREE to start.


Program # 1

Program # 2



Daily Cash Siphon Review

The problem starts right from the promotional video that invites you to watch the video and not share it with anyone.

This tactic is not only misleading but very primitive. This type of methods are most of the time used by scammers.

Among such tactics are those like:


-Don’t share this video with anyone
-I will teach you the secret no one knows about
-This website will go down if you don’t order today
and so on and on.


So, these methods are very primitive and ineffective. Unfortunately, they still work for complete beginners in internet marketing.

Parker knows it and that’s why continues to use such methods.

BTW, Daily Cash Siphon is not a new program.

In fact, it’s a new version of old programs, such as Profits with Alex and Five Minute Profit Sites.

All these programs are low quality programs and are not recommended due to many flaws.

You will get a pre-made blog that you need to create content for. You will learn how to build and customize your blog.

But Chris talks about “Glitch” that will allow you to rake in cash, as much as $1,580 a day. The truth is that there is no glitch in the industry.




Everything is absolutely clear. You just build a blog, fill it with quality content and get your content ranked in top search results on Google.

Once you’ve done it, you can start getting a lot of traffic and monetize it. Will you get the traffic or not is totally a different story.

Many blogs are struggling to get at least 200 visits a day, not to mention anything higher than that.

Low traffic means no opportunity for you to make money. These days ranking on Google and wining first 5 spots is almost impossible.

Even if you know all SEO techniques, still there is no guarantee that you can get those rankings.

Considering all these difficulties in affiliate marketing, it really annoys that Chris makes such big claims trying to convince you that making money through affiliate marketing is like a siphon, but in fact, it is not true.

Yes, it’s true that you can promote products that you don’t own and earn a solid income online.

But promoting products requires a lot of skills and knowledge. Promoting products is one thing and making sales is a totally different story.

If Chris makes money it doesn’t mean you will make.

It would be great if he explained all the truth about affiliate marketing and give people more realistic expectations.

That way people would know exactly what they can expect from Daily Cash Siphon.

Because people buy Daily Cash Siphon expecting money like from water siphon but after getting access to the program they get disappointed.

I think Chris needs to change his approach and be more transparent with his audience.





Before you invest $17 in Daily Cash Siphon

Aside from the main price, which is $17 monthly for Daily Cash Siphon membership, you also need to pay for some other upsells which are hidden costs, up to $500.


The promotional video says you can start making money under 7 minutes and 19 clicks.

This is very misleading strategy which makes Daily Cash Siphon looking untrustworthy.

Chris Parker even doesn’t appear in the video which rises the issue of trust to his program.

From my experience I can tell whenever you see a solid program like Amazing Selling Machine, Affilorama, Chris Farrell Membership or any other, you always see creator of the program who apears in the video.

When it comes to low quality programs like Daily Cash Siphon you will never see creator of the program which is a clear indication to the program’s being untrustworthy.




Chris also uses his pen name William Fairbrother which is still ok. But at least mentioning his real name would be to the purpose.

The fact that hides his real name also makes Daily Cash Siphon looking untrustworthy.

It is also worth mentioning that Daily Cash Siphon’s gravity rate on Clickbank is only 5.34 which is very low score.

There are products on Clickbank with much higher gravity rate. This means Daily Cash Siphon is not as great as it’s advertised by Chris Parker.

And here is the proof. Please look at the screen shots. A few months ago, its gravity was 46.58 and it reduced to 5.34.







This certainly proves that Daily cash Siphon performs very bad on Clickbank.

I’m sure it will be removed from Clickbank marketplace very soon which I’ve seen with many products like Daily Cash Siphon since 2015.

Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. I made money by promoting products from JVZoo digital marketplace multiple times.

You can read my post here and also see my income proof screenshots as well.

I just prefer JVZoo over Warrior Plus and Clickbank due to some issues associated with those terrible marketplaces.

Warior Plus still owes me $96 and doesn’t send because I made only one sale on that marketplace.

They told me I need to make multiple sales to qualify to receive my commission which I consider unfair approach.

That’s why I prefer to work with JVZoo.



Daily Cash Siphon Training

To become a member to Daily Cash Siphon you need to pay $17 and this will be your monthly payment after that.




You will get access to affiliate marketing training on multiple topics that will educate you and help understand how affiliate marketing works.

Affiliate marketing is not an easy path to making money. It’s like getting education on specific profession.




So, in Daily Cash Siphon you will learn:


– How to build a WordPress blog/landing page
– How to do a keyword research
– How to write a post for your blog
– How to optimize your blog post for the best SEO results
– How often to write a post
– Onsite and offsite SEO
– Social media promotions
– Guest posting
– Article marketing
– How to outsource content creation
– How to choose the right niche for a blog
– How to pick a domain name for a blog


Generally speaking you will learn blogging basics including blog set up, installing plugins and more.

Down the road you will be completing tasks that help you understand better what you do as an affiliate marketer.

The quality of the training is decent. Will you get desired results or not is a big question. In affiliate marketing success depends on certain skills.

Some people are successful in it while others make zero $. Whatever they do, nothing seems to work for them.

Support is not the strongest point if Daily Cash Siphon. From my experience I can tell you that support is extremely important in affiliate marketing.

If support is not good, chances of your success are reduced significantly. There are much better programs than Daily Cash Siphon.



Can You Trust Chris Parker?

In fact, you can trust Chris Parker because his product is on Clickbank which means you can get refund if you don’t like the product.

You will not get refund from Chris. You will get refund from Clickbank. Clicbank is a digital network of digital products.

Clickbank is responsible for refunds of products placed on Clickbank marketplace.

But remember that you can get refund only for $17 you spent for Daily Cash Siphon.

You can’t get refund for the upsells because upsells are not part of Clickbank marketplace.

Be careful when spending your money for upsells.

There are several upsells after paying $17 for Daily Cash Siphon.




Upsell # 1 – $197
Upsell # 2 – $187
Upsell # 3 – $97

First upsell is a premade Daily cash Siphon blog. This blog will be filled with affiliate links that will make you money if you can monetize your blog.

Remember that a blog filled with affiliate links will not make you money if you don’t do it properly. Very few bloggers can actually monetize their efforts.

Second upsell is also a blog that is not much different from the first upsell. It’s just another premade blog to make you money.

Third upsell is designed to help you generate traffic so you can monetize your premade blogs.



Why I gave such a low score to Daily Cash Siphon?

You may ask a question: If Chris Parker provides a decent training why I gave a low score to Daily Cash Siphon?

Because training is decent quality. There are way better trainings than this.

Support is not so effective to help you down the road. Support is critical in affiliate marketing.

From my experience I can tell that programs with decent support will not get you anywhere.

Chris Parker makes big claims and he doesn’t tell you the truth about difficulties associated with affiliate marketing.

Such an approach misleads people and they get wrong expectations as a result.

Daily Cash Siphon’s website is full of misleading information about affiliate marketing.

Chris talks about secrets that he is going to reveal but there is nit secret other than hard work and using the right methods.

When you visit Daily Cash Siphon, you will see an automated customer service plugin that makes an impression of real customer support.

In fact, it’s not a real person rather than automated plugin, a script that has programmed answers.






From this misleading automated programmed so called customer service, you are led to believe that by spending 24 minutes a day you can start making a lot of money every day. This is a total BS.

The photo of the woman from customer support you see on Daily Cash Siphon is in fact a photo you can find online in different place, such as stock photos, public places.




In my opinion, reputation of Chris Parker is not so clean because Daily Cash Siphon is not his first program.

He is the author of two other programs like Profits with Alex and Five Minute Profit.

They are not great products because approach is always the same. And as you can see, all products have “profit” word in the name of the product.



Is Daily Cash Siphon a Scam?

No, Daily cash Siphon is not a scam. You can get very useful information and premade blogs.

You will learn basics of affiliate marketing, wordpress blog tips, writing posts, optimization of your blog, SEO tips, generating traffic and more.

But Chris Parker’s approach is wrong. I disagree with such an approach. You can sell the same product but using the right or wrong methods.

If you use wrong methods, it becomes unethical business which is the case with Daily Cash Siphon.

You simply can’t make a lot of money spending 24 minutes a day.

It’s true that you can find some profitable products on Clickbank and promote them.

But in order to make sales you need to bring either a massive traffic which is very difficult or requires a solid advertising budget.

All of this achievable but considering big income claims from Chris and description of affiliate marketing as an easy way to rake in cash by spending 30 minutes a day, I believe Daily Cash Siphon is not worth your attention though it’s not a scam.




Final review of Daily Cash Siphon

– Decent affiliate marketing training
– Money back guarantee
– Parker’s approach is totally misleading
– Unrealizable income claims
– No supportive community
– Upsells up to $500

Overall score: 3 out of 10




Legit Alternatives to Daily Cash Siphon

I think though Daily Cash Siphon teaches legit methods, such as affiliate marketing, there is a problem here due to Parker’s wrong approach.

Parker and his team try to describe affiliate marketing as a super easy way to make money.

In fact, it’s far from being easy. It requires knowledge, skills and hard work and patience. Most of this is hidden from you.

Instead I recommend you to choose one of two my favorite programs, such as

Wealthy Affiliate
Income School

In my recommended programs you will never see or hear fake people, fake income numbers, fake income claims, fake video testimonials, misleading ads. Everything is completely transparent.


Program # 1

Program # 2



About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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