How to Make Money Online Tips I Would Like to Share With You Based on My Experience

October 23, 2014 0 Comments

making money tips

There are some important tips I would like to share with you and believe they will help you save your time or efforts spent in the wrong direction. It’s taken me months of research to get all that knowledge but today I’m giving you all this for free.

1. To start making money online you don’t need to buy magic formulas or join programs teaching you tons of doubtful techniques related to making money online. Actually if you follow all those techniques you can easily get confused.

There is only way to succeed online, simple and easy – build your website, start blogging (write content about your product) and get you content to show in Google search results.

Once you have your content appear on Google you will start seeing traffic to your website.

If you have an original and engaging content on your website, you will be able to catch the attention of your visitors and possibly convert them into your customers. Just choose a niche that you have passion to write about and do it consistently.

If you love what you write about and spend some time on self-education trying to provide your readers with the most fresh information that covers most of the topics that may interest them then you will be able to grab their attention. That is the main and the first step to your success online.


2. Finding the right keywords using Jaaxy (keyword tool) is the key to your success online. If you have already red some of my stuff then you should know that content is the #1 issue for your site success.

Finding the right keywords can help you get your content ranked better and faster on Google and other major search engines.

But a keyword should not be your main and the only concern because your readers don’t need your keywords. They need your content first! Jaaxy will help you find low competition keywords and get your content ranked under those keywords.

If you don’t care about finding a low competition keyword and just write your content without any idea how to rank it, it may happen that you are trying to rank your content under highly competitive keyword and thus will never be able to outrank old websites with better content. That in most cases is a waste of time.


3. Don’t try to create several websites at the same time. Start with one website and work consistently on it.

It requires writing fresh content 2,3 times a week, spending some time on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest), creating videos and adding them to your own Youtube channel, tracking your results using Google analytics, building an email list etc.

If you are new to internet marketing then you’d better start with one website and work consistently on it until you start making money.


4. Build a strong following by participating on Facebook, Twitter, Google + and Pinterest. If you spend some time on social media and do things rights you will be able to drive some traffic to your website.

I know some website owners who have hundreds of visitors from Facebook only. Here is my post about the power of Facebook.


5. You should know that writing content for your website is not going to bring tons of traffic and money immediately once you publish it on your website.

It takes some time to appear in the top search results in Google and no one can guarantee you that your site will appear there. Most probably it will take up to a couple of months before you start to see a decent tips

The more content you add to your site, the more you share it via social media and the more people share your content, your rankings will improve in search engines.

But Google constantly works on improving their search algorithms and if social media was critical to your site rankings before, it is not anymore today due to tricky techniques used by some people, such as buying likes on Facebook or twits on Twitter.

There are two things that matter in regards to your site rankings: 1. Your site’s content and 2. The bounce rate of your site. The lower the bounce rate of your site is the higher rankings your site will be getting over time because the bounce rate is the truth indicator of the quality of your site.

If people love reading your stuff, they will stay longer on your site thus resulting in reducing the bounce rate and increasing your rankings accordingly. If the bounce rate of your website is higher than 70% that means people don’t find your content as interesting as you might be thinking.

If this percent increases over time instead of going down then you should seriously think of improving your content.


6. Make sure that you’ve installed Google analytics on your website to track your visitors behaviour. This is going to be your #1 tool since it will give you a complete and clear understanding of what is happening on your site.

Once you have that type of information you can do some changes to your website to improve your visitors experience thus resulting in higher rankings in search engines and driving more traffic to your website.


7. When you start an online business and are on a low budget you can choose any web-hosting (a company that makes your site accessible via web) but once your site grows in content and gets real traffic from search engines you will definitely have to move your site to a reliable company such as Hostgator or Godaddy.

It is very important to have your site hosted with a company that has a good reputation and provides a quality and reliable service. It is important because some hosting companies can’t handle the traffic your website may receive and as a result your site will go down.

The companies I’ve mentioned are reliable and provide a high quality service and an excellent support.dollars on the plate


8. You need to give your website a time until it grows and start receiving steady traffic.

If you work on your site, write fresh, engaging content consistently then your site will grow over time resulting in better rankings in search engines.

Some people are not patient and stop working on their sites even before they see real results. That is a big mistake.


9. Never think of your competitors because there are always some websites that may outrank you. There is a room for everyone on the market and if you do your work, Google will reward you with higher rankings and more traffic.


10. Don’t even think of coming up with a website that has 3,4 or 5 pages of content and then asking why I don’t receive any traffic. Try to create 50 pages of content (1000 words per article at least) on your website and then work consistently on creating more content.

You can write 2,3 articles per week and publish them and you need to write fresh content consistently because Google loves those sites that are updated every other day or at least every 2,3 days.


I’m not talking about 1000 words of fluff; I am talking about writing real stuff that may be interesting to your readers.

I can tell you with confidence that if you are thinking of making serious money online you need to have more than 100 pages of quality content and give it a time and then you will see a massive traffic and sales.

If you want to learn the basics of internet marketing from the right place then read my review of the WA below. Wealthy Affiliate is # 1 online business community in the world and helped thousands of people including me to build a successful online business.

If you still have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me. Take the action first and then wait for the results.



Filed in: Making Money

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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