30 Minute SEO Review – 30 Minutes is not Enough for Successful SEO

July 3, 2015 12 Comments


Product name: 30 Minute SEO

Product owner: Stuart Avis

Websites: 30-minute-seo.com/live/sales


Price: $13.95 + 2 upsells

Verdict: Recommended? Yes and No


Stuart Avis is a young internet marketer who has created a 30 minute SEO to help folks build an online business through getting to top 10 in Google and other major search engines, such as Bing and Yahoo.

Stuart claims that his product contains a simple solution to getting your site on page #1 of Google and to achieve it you don’t actually need to spend hours on your computer.

Also, Stuart claims that it takes 30 minutes of work a day to get high rankings in Google and drive flood of traffic to your site. Since all internet marketers know that the secret to online success is traffic, Stuart claims that with his product all your problems are going to be solved immediately.

It’s true that search engine traffic is the best solution for any website and though there are some other traffic methods, such as social media, YouTube etc, search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) send much more traffic than any other site or network does. And the best part of search engine traffic is that it’s highly targeted.

Stuart’s product is a 61-page PDF guide, a SEO course that will teach you how to get your site ranked in Google top 10 and drive traffic to your site.

Stuart’s guide contains some valuable information though this product is not the best one available on the internet and in my review I’m going to explain what I think about 30 minute SEO guide.


Pros of 30 Minute SEO

  • Contains useful info on how to rank in Google top 10
  • Price is affordable
  • Money back guarantee


Cons of 30 Minute SEO

  • The info is very basic
  • Two upsells
  • No real support
  • 30 minutes is not enough for high rankings


Inside the product

1. Stuart’s product contains valuable information on how to optimise your site which includes a comprehensive knowledge of SEO topics, such as meta tags, keywords, backlinks and more. Though the info is valuable it’s very basic and if you’re just staring online I think it’s not enough.

I think the most missing part of this guide is a keyword research topic. Stuart talks about keyword research but it’s not enough to understand how to find keywords that can drive a lot of traffic to your site. It’s extremely important because we don’t need to chase after any keyword that is useless.

We need only keywords that have the least competition and enough monthly searches. When you start a blog Google won’t rank your site high because it’s new and if you want to get high rankings you need to do a proper research to find keywords that are easy to rank for.


2. Once you get access to the members area you will find 2 ebooks there, one is actually the product itself, i.e. 30 minute SEO and the other one that consists of 2 pages. All other products are actually upsells you need to buy, Advanced and Elite.

I always say in all my reviews that I don’t like the idea of upsells because it means that your product is incomplete and you need to buy some other packages to be able to achieve the goal described in the main product, i.e. in this case in 30 minute SEO.


3. BTW, the worksheets Stuart informs you about in his promo is actually an upsell called 30 minute SEO Advanced designed to help you apply what you have learned to your website. The idea is good but it will cost you extra money, $10.


4. The good thing is that Stuart talks about black hat SEO because you must know what to avoid to get high rankings in Google and be safe from Google penalty which is very hard to recover from.

In general, black hat SEO means trying to find some loopholes in Google ranking algorithm to get rankings faster because traditional methods take much longer time.

Black hat SEO is bad because even if you get some rankings and traffic you will lose it all some day and keeping in mind that Google becomes smarter with each update you don’t have any real chances to keep your rankings if you have done it through black hat methods.


5. Unfortunately, Stuart doesn’t tell anything about keyword stuffing which is very important to know before creating content for your site. Fail to know this info and you can be easily penalized by Google.


6. Another missing part of Stuart’s product is that he doesn’t tell anything about niche research which is very important for understanding SEO.

If you plan to build a site you need to choose a topic, a niche you are going to write your content around and to do it properly you need to know how to find the right keywords related to your niche. Niche and a keyword research should be done jointly, not separately.


7. Support is unfortunately another missing part of Stuart’s product. The only way to contact him is via email which is not so good when it comes to internet marketing and SEO. You are not the only one who is going to email Stuart with numerous questions and I don’t think he can answer all emails in a timely manner giving detailed explanation on each topic.


8. The idea of 30 minute for successful SEO is absolutely wrong and misleading. I have enough experience in SEO and many pages of my site are in top 10 of Google which means I know what I’m talking about.


To prove you I can give you a few examples. Type “Walter Green’s money system” or “secret success machine” in Google and you will find my site in top 10. I can show you more examples but I hope these two will be enough.



The truth is that if you want to get top rankings in Google search you need to work on your site for several months, up to 6 months for decent results and 1 year for good results. Stuart claims that you don’t need to spend hours to get top rankings and I say that it’s not true.

In order to get top rankings you must learn how to write your content properly and you need to write consistently, not just one or two articles and then sit and wait for traffic. It’s just not going to happen.

I spend 5,6 hours to write an article, over 1000 words at least because the longer and more detailed your article is the more chances that you will get to top 10. If you don’t write consistently you will simply start losing your rankings.


9. Comments are starting to play a huge role in getting high rankings in search engines and if you write content and don’t get enough comments to prove Google that you have enough engagement on your site you won’t have high rankings and the massive traffic accordingly. This is what Stuart can’t help you with.


Final word on 30 minute SEO and my recommendation

I think Stuart’s 30 minute SEO is not bad, it contains some valuable info and the price is affordable. You can buy it if you want and my verdict is that it’s not a scam, it’s an ethical product. But keeping in mind all critical aspects that I’ve mentioned above I at the same time can’t recommend it. So, it’s up to you.

If you want to learn SEO the proper way, plus how to make money online, get access to all necessary tools such as keyword research etc, get 24/7 support and more I can honestly recommend you one of the best programs on the web – Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve been a member of it for almost 2 years and I’m happy with it. Read my review and let me know if you have any questions.

Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (12)

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  1. Derek Marshall says:

    HI there,

    Brilliant and fantastic review. I do agree with that some of the information in Stuart’s book could be of value but, to say that you are going to get top rankings in minutes, nah no chance.

    Rankings are best at an average anyway as you might be th in google UK th in Australia and maybe even 12th in USA..

    • Rufat says:

      Sure, getting rankings in search engines requires some time and effort. Old sites can get rankings faster, sometimes in seconds and I’ve seen it on my site. But when it comes to new sites, there is no chance.

  2. Robert Lawrence says:

    Pretty interesting product. I’ve been running my own website for about a war now but I’ve never heard of 30 minute SEO until now.

    Sounds like there’s some good information here that could be really helpful to internet marketers. I mean we all want to rank in the top 10 pages of Google so that right there is a draw to this program.

    I’m glad I read your review because from the sounds of it this program might be helpful and is actually a reasonable price.

    Do you think I should try this program out as someone who is experienced in Internet marketing? Or is there another product that would be better for me?



    • Rufat says:

      Yes, to be honest, there is some useful information inside this product. Since you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate you have all the education in regards to SEO that you need. I don’t think you need this product. Plus, this guy makes some big claims.

  3. Riaz Shah says:

    Hey there Rufat,

    I must admit, I was extremely tempted to give this program a go. It takes time for your content to go up rankings and be number one yet this program made a huge claim that it can rank your site under 30 minutes.

    I’m glad I came across your review, once more you helped us dodge a bullet. Cheers!

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Riaz. The program contains some solid info on how to get your content ranked in search engines, but it uses the same old strategy, i.e. upselling which I don’t like at all. And like you say Stuart’s claim is ridiculous. But I know what he is talking about. For example, my site is already one year old and my content gets ranked pretty fast. Sometimes after publishing content I use Google webmaster fetch option and get my published content ranked in Google in less than 1 hour. That’s true. But results are not typical. Your content may be ranked in top 10 or to 20 or 50 etc. Plus, if your site is new you can’t expect such fast rankings. But Stuart doesn’t explain all these details. He just wants you to believe that he is going to reveal you some sort of secret that will allow you to get your content ranked in 30 minutes in top 10. This is of course not true. That’s why I recommend another program that is a much better option and it doesn’t make such ridiculous claims.

  4. Liz says:

    I agree with your assessment of the video. It may have some great things to it and the price is right. It seems that this is another person talking about making money online with out the work that goes with it. But, for the beginner, it may not be too bad. Does the author have more videos that go along with this one?

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Liz, 30 minute SEO is a good product and has some great stuff. In general Stuart delivers what he promises. But the major problem is the support and that’s why I can recommend it only for people who are on a very tight budget.

  5. Maarten says:

    Hey Rufat,

    SEO is probably the most important topic to learn as it is essential to get traffic on your site. If 30 minute SEO doesn’t speak about keywords a lot I already have my doubts about it. I wouldn’t know how to get ranked if it was not to find good keywords to rank for. 🙂

    Everyone is always looking for the quick fix so I guess that’s why he claims it can be done in 30 minutes a day. I’m glad you brought the attention to the fact it takes 6 months to a year to see good results. It’s something many of us don’t speak about as it sounds frightening for possible customers. It is completely 100 percent true tho!

    Who would be able to learn something from this product you think? Is it worth looking in to for intermediate marketers?


    • Rufat says:

      Thanks Maarten for your comment. Of course 30 minute is not enough and I understand why Stuart does so. He doesn’t want to frighten his customers which I think is wrong. In my opinion you have to be honest with your customers if you want to build long term relationships with them. If you don’t tell them the truth they will know it after buying your product and this purchase will be your first and the last deal with this customer. Yes, the product has some good stuff but still it’s incomplete and doesn’t provide quality support. The price is $13.95 which is affordable. But I recommend to join a program that I recommend in my comparison chart which will cost you $19 for the first month and during this month you can learn all you need for your online business, including SEO. Plus there is a live chat and 24/7 support.

  6. Chloe says:

    Thanks for the comprehensive review. 30 minute SEO sounds like a great concept on paper, but it sounds like there are a lot of holes in the information.
    Also, I’m with you on the upsells- I hate it when a company tries to upsell me on anything. As you rightly said, why wasn’t the product complete in the first place?
    Although the concept behind this product sounds good, it sounds like it needs a few gaps filling in before it’s made into a truly great product.
    Thanks again for the great info,

    • Rufat says:

      The product delivers on the promises for the most part but like you say there are a lot of holes. Annoying upsells unfortunately come with most of the products promoted online. On paper everything looks great but when it comes to practice you see the other side that you are never told before the purchase. The truth is 30 minute work won’t bring you a long term success. It requires a lot of work and time to put in before you see even decent results. Though Stuart’s product is not bad I would recommend to try my top recommended program for SEO that will cost you $19. Inside my recommended program you will learn SEO, social media, video marketing and many more which is a much better alternative to Stuart’s product.

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