Secret Success Machine Review – Get Fooled and Fool Others

March 28, 2015 37 Comments




Product name: Secret Success Machine

Product owner: Uknown


Price: $500 – $20.000

Verdict: Not recommended


Secret Success Machine is just another “amazing” program that claims to help people start working from home and make tons of money.

If you visit their site, you will see an ad at the top saying that this very system has allowed members to work from home and make as much as $41.000 in a single week! That’s the most ridiculous statement I’ve ever heard in my life.

They claim that some of their members have made $24.000 in 4 days. And they claim to show you exactly why people make so much money with Secret Success Machine while people in other programs are failing miserably.




The main idea behind Secret Success Machine

Secret Success Machine is just another MLM program similar to many other MLM programs out there that I reviewed in the past. They mainly focus on selling high ticket items and recruiting other people to do the same and by doing so they claim to pay their members high commissions.

They suggest that you pay them a huge amount of money to get access to their overpriced training and when you recruit other victims into their system and they pay the same amount of money, you can earn a fantastic commission. That’s all about their system.


Pros of Secret Success Machine

  • Some of the training material is useful


Cons of Secret Success Machine

  • Just another MLM site
  • All MLM programs have a bad reputation on the web
  • All MLM programs have tons of complaints
  • Very expensive products
  • Bold claims and false promises
  • No support
  • To earn a commission you have to purchase their overpriced products


Inside the program

1. First off, I want to point out that Secret Success Machine is the worst program that I’ve reviewed recently. They provide some value and charge a huge amount of money and still they claim that they give you a chance to promote the same product to other people (I would say victims) and earn a commission.

This is absolutely ridiculous and unrealistic simply because I’m sure you won’t be able to sell this useless material to anyone. Just ask yourself honestly, would you pay $20.000 for a program like this?


2. This program is very similar to Six Figure Mentors that focuses on selling high ticket items to people and recruiting other people into their system. The main idea is not helping folks, but instead taking their money.

The whole Secret Success Machine system looks like this: You buy their highly overpriced product and start to recruit other people so as they buy the same product and you earn your fat commission. That’s it.

There is no any value, no helping folks, no support. Just get fooled and fool others to make more money. And the main problem is even if you pay for this product, I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to invite someone to the system, not to mention convince them to buy SSM overpriced packages.


3. Their training material does contain some strategies you can learn and apply to build an online business. They have some motivational material, some general tips about making money online, some tools, squeeze pages with opt in forms, professionally written marketing letters, some useful material about internet marketing.

But none of this can help you make money on autopilot like they promise you because to start making money online requires education, proper training, support and hard work. Normally, it takes 1 year at least to start making serious money on a regular basis.

This is what I know from my own experience and from the experience of other successful internet marketers that I know.


4. As I told you above, the whole system depends on how good you are at recruiting other people. If you can recruit someone, you make money, and if not then you lose money. Their payment compensation plan is very complicated, like with any other MLM program and it’s really difficult to figure out how their system works.

The main problem here is that though their products contain some value they are highly overpriced which makes the process of recruiting other people almost impossible.





5. I invite people to a highly reputable and legit program on the web that teaches people real strategies how to make money online and many people who join it start making money in the first 6 months after joining the program. I have a lot of visits to my site and only few people take my advice and the same applies to many other sites that I know.

It’s extremely difficult to convince someone to join a program even if it’s legit. Most people still love when someone gives them false promises and they very often go to other crappy sites that never deliver on the promises only to realize that they have been scammed again.


6. Secret Success Machine offers a few packages, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Elite (Royal). Prices are extremely high, up to $20.000.

Bronze : $697

Silver : $2,197

Gold : $3,697

Platinum : $6,697

Diamond : $12,197

Total Elite Package : $20,197



7. On their website they give some info about each package, but that info is not enough to make an informed decision. Just imagine, are you ready or willing to pay for the package that costs you $20.000 without getting access to try it for free?

They give some info: you will watch 26 video course, 3 modules focused on selling high ticket items, how to get more subscribers on your list, how to increase conversions, how to create effective offer, how to track your conversion rates etc.

I can tell you with full confidence that you can find some of this info on the web absolutely for free, especially you can find similar info on YouTube. Why then pay $20.000? Do you have a reasonable answer? I don’t.




8. They claim to make millions and help you do the same. Now, please take a look at this screenshot from their website. There is a grammatical error there though it would cost them a few bucks to proofread their content before publishing it on the website.

Instead of writing miserably, they have miserabley. I really wonder what miserabley means? What does all this mean? They are lying to you about making thousands of dollars with their system.





9. Another example of dishonest approach is that if you buy a Bronze package, you will be able to earn a commission only if you sell the same package. If you sell an Elite package you won’t earn anything.

Also, if you are lucky to recruit someone into the system you won’t make any money because your first commission goes to the person who helped you find this “amazing” system. That makes the process even more complicated and exposes the very secret to making money online 🙂


10. And keep in mind that all MLM programs have a lot of complaints on the web. Just do some search if you want and I promise you will find some amazing facts.


11. And I almost forgot to mention that they use a lot testimonials on their website. To be honest, I’m not 100% sure they are real because if you want to know the secret how to create such testimonials, visit and order your testimonial for $5.


Final word on Secret Success Machine

As you probably understand now, the secret behind Secret Success Machine is very simple. Get fooled and fool other people and probably you can make a few bucks. That’s it. It’s a waste of time and money and a complete disappointment. Though I changed my mind and don’t call it a scam anymore, it’s still not recommended to join it.

If you are looking for a legit alternative, I can honestly recommend you a program that wins my # 1 recommendation for 3 years in a row. This program has helped me and many other people build a successful online business and start making money on the internet. If you still have any questions, feel free to contact me and I will be happy to help you out.




Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (37)

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  1. Andrew says:

    That’s really amazing! I don’t think that I have ever seen a more highly priced product ever. It had me slightly interested in the beginning when you mentioned the earning potential but then that quickly went out of the window the moment MLM was mentioned! I would really like to know if anyone ever makes any profit with these systems. And I truly feel very sorry for those that part with huge amounts of money to get involved with things like this.

    • Rufat says:

      Yes, some people are making money, but most people lose their money. In my opinion, the program is not a scam, but there are several red flags here. So, I don’t recommend it. BTW, you can look through comments below. Some of the comments are very interesting.

  2. Alexey says:

    Its Alexey,
    Oh I hate so much MLM scams! How can anyone pay so much money to a product he never seen before?
    I am sure tha there are tos of negative reviews about if.
    It can only capture those who look for fast ways to make a lot of money without hard work. The isn’t such a thing 🙂
    The review is very good, easy to read – I will add it to my scams list!

    • Rufat says:

      You are right. There are tons of negative reviews on the internet and the program is not recommended. Glad you found my review helpful.

  3. Riaz Shah says:

    Hey Rufat,
    Another awesome review you have here, I really like how fast you work. As expected the Secret Success Machine is definitely an MLM scheme, these people are getting bolder and bolder don’t you think?

    Even today there are many people getting duped into buying high ticket items. Compensation plans used to be so simple but now there are so many ‘bonuses’ and loops to make people more interested in joining, its ridiculous. The MLM world is slowly degrading and I wouldn’t advise anyone to join. I hope you can help many people avoid this ridiculous program, wishing you all the best in your business!

    • Rufat says:

      I agree with you Riaz. I think this group of people heard of the opportunity to sell high ticket items and decided to take advantage of it. But they fail to teach people how they can do it and as a result people who join Secret Success Machine invest thousands of dollars in the hope that their new mentors will teach them how to sell high ticket items and finally they fail to earn even a few dollars pre month. I think people who join such programs are to blame because they don’t do enough research on the internet before investing their hard earned money and lose them as a result of their being unthoughtful. If you read my comments here you will realize that some people still claim that they are making money with SSM but always when I ask them to reply my question.

  4. Anthony says:

    Hello Rufat,

    Thank you a bunch for the information on Secret Success Machine. I can see how a lot of people are sucked into scams like this. The thing is if your not making very much money and someone is telling you it is possible to make up to $41k in a week you may be thinking in the back of your head that that is impossible but “what if” they know something I dont. I really feel bad for people who have fallen for this sort of thing and have given up thousands of hard earned dollars. Do you think any of these programs are actually legit or is the only true way based in hard work alone?


    • Rufat says:

      Thank you for the comment Anthony. In my opinion, if someone joins a program and can’t make money with it, that’s ok. This is very normal. Just as an example, I’m a member of WA and already making making money, but a few months ago I couldn’t make even a dime. The difference between WA and SSM is that WA doesn’t promise anyone that they will be making money in x amount of days. They only promise that you will be making money if you don’t quit and that’s true. When it comes to SSM, they make unrealistic claims and they fail to deliver on their promises. Some people who claim to be making money with SSM left comments here and I replied to their comments and asked a few questions and I’m still waiting for their reply. In my opinion it’s a borderline scam and it’s better to avoid it.

  5. John says:

    I am really so sick and tired of all the online scams out there. I have been scamed a couple of times in the past by similar programs that claimed that I was going to get rich and it would all be so easy. Luckely they was not near as expensive as this Secret Success Machine scam. Anyway I have learned my lesson and as soon as someone mention fast and easy money in the same sentence… I stop listening. Thanks for sharing and hopefully you “save” someone from trying this scam.

    • Rufat says:

      Hi John. Unfortunately, not all people understand this until they have been scammed. Since you were there you already know how it looks like and how your hard earned money easily land in the scammers’ pockets instead of yours. I think Secret Success Machine is not a complete scam, but it’s really one of those programs that we can say definitely: it’s not for the average Joe. It’s for those who have big wallets and good sales skills in order to be able to sell this expensive stuff. My friend has been involved in a similar program, SFM and finally left it totally disappointed. Since you have some experience, you understand me very well and I’m happy I’ve saved you from this one.

  6. Rufat says:

    Hi Seth, I don’t have Frank’s contact info. It look likes he is busy making thousands of dollars with secret success machine and doesn’t have the time to respond to our comments.

  7. DJ Dawge says:

    I wuz on conf call twice with them. They Stress all cashiers checks,etc. sent to your Sponsor Must go
    UPS, or FEDEX ( the reason behind this I learned from another company like this is that the US Postal Inspector can’t file a mail fraud case). Same 4 people on both calls are talking bout how much they are making, sort of sounds like recorded testimony! The old Cash Gifting Conference Calls of the “90’s were run the same way, there was always a Damian from Texas, Cindy from Denver and Ken from Chicago testifying how much they were making, always astronomical income claims. Send money to your Sponsor
    and you will never hear from them again, maybe phone and Email disconnected.

    • Rufat says:

      I’ve seen many such recorded testimonials. Unfortunately, most people don’t even know that this type of fake testimonials can be easily ordered at places like Fiverr, Odesk etc. Income claims are always fantastic and astronomical like you say. If you read other comments on this page you will see that some of these astronomical earners haven’t replied to my questions yet. They simply can’t because all their claims are just air. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.

      Best regards,

  8. brandon says:

    Hey Rufat,
    It’s honestly a shame what these MLM companies do. Secret Success Machine is just another name that hurts MLM as a whole. Of course, I have never been a fan of Multi-level marketing since I don’t like depending on others to make a real income. The biggest problem is there aren’t a lot of regulations that define a pyramid scheme. I believe this is why some will get away with unethical business practices for so long. Hopefully this will change and companies like SSM will finally get what they deserve. Thanks for exposing yet another terrible scam

    • Rufat says:

      I don’t like MLMs too, especially Secret Success Machine. They always promote high ticket items in order to pay high commissions and the problem with this type of business is that people invest their hard earned money and then fail to earn any money at all which in turn gives rise to many complaints and negative reviews on the internet. I think this type business in unethical because it’s wrong to promise or guarantee people that they can make x amount of money in x amount of days. Reality is absolutely different and that’s why I don’t recommend this program though I don’t think it’s a scam.

  9. Aaron says:

    Here’s my question….you call this Secret Success Machine thing a scam….but you did not join the program….that’s like giving directions in a city you never been in. How do you know it’s a scam…what are you holding back that we should know. If it is a scam….provide direct, concert proof to you viewers….I mean really Rufat….you use the word scam as a key word to gain an SEO advantage. In other words…you scammed us to get here by pretending review a system that you don’t own then bait and switch us to your own program…and by the way….there are those that say Wealthy Affiliate is a scam. But as a member of the WA family I know something outsiders don’t…..I also am a member of SSM too and two other programs like it…..and let me tell you….there ain’t that much difference between the WA and SSM….You guys kill me this bait and switch crap….If you are going to give a review of a product….DAM IT, buy the product….I mean…how else can you give a honest….truly honest review…..Hear say is not proof of a scam….If you feel WA is the best thing since the internet….then make a review touting that….you don’t need the ole “Theirs is scam, mind is not” approach……and you know like I do WA is selling a product….the information we sell is easily available on the internet. We just package it and sell it at a profit. SSM does the same thing. In my opinion both are over priced….but so medical insurance, medicine, gas, housing, Disney world….the list goes on. You don’t have to have any of these things if you don’t want them. But it you do….you are gonna pay for them….PLAIN and SIMPLE… as I see it….you are the pot calling the kettle black…….I looked and am still looking for the push button, do not work product or program that will make me rich….until then….I have to work….and if you are willing to work and do right by people….you will succeed….but like in all ventures, company’s, and even some people….there will be those who want something for nothing…..WA is not a scam either is SSM…..but there those within the programs who can make it scam….So you people who are jumping on the scam band wagon… your own research, ask people, and don’t trust Rufat of the world explicitly….cause they want something from you too…..Fin

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Aaron for stopping by and leaving your lengthy comment. I really appreciate it and I never avoid discussions or delete comments even if I don’t like it. I’m an honest man and always try to be honest when writing reviews or replying to comments. As for my verdict, a few months have passed since I wrote this review and after your comment I changed my opinion from calling SSM a scam to simply not recommend it. I think it’s my human right to recommend a program or not to recommend and I will explain you why I still don’t recommend SSM to my readers.

      1. First off, Secret Success Machine makes a lot of unrealistic promises about making thousands of $ in the first week or month etc. THIS IS WRONG. I’ve been involved in internet marketing since 2000 and I know what it really is to make money online. I have many friends of mine who are successful internet marketers and we all know how much time and effort it takes to start making money on the internet. That’s why I think it’s wrong that SSM makes such bold claims and unrealistic promises.

      2. Wealthy Affiliate and Secret Success Machine are totally different programs by their nature. Wealthy Affiliate provides a supreme support, very friendly and helpful community and NEVER makes bold claims or false promises to ANYONE. That’s why SSM can’t come any close to Wealthy Affiliate when it comes to ethical approach to the business.

      3. In fact, you literally can’t find any serious complaints about Wealthy Affiliate on the internet. Here is my article about it and if you read it you will realize that I always try to be honest and don’t say that Wealthy Affiliate is perfect.

      4. If you watch SSM reviews on YouTube, especially by Wealth Mentor Muhammed some info is pretty refreshing.

      5. There are tons of negative reviews of SSM on the web and I think it means that something is wrong with your approach. Compared to that you literally will not find negative reviews about Wealthy Affiliate.

      6. To write a review I don’t need to buy every product out there or otherwise I’m going to waste all my money. I have years of experience and I know what works and what doesn’t. As opposed to you, Six Figure Mentors program is also specialized on selling high ticket items but they don’t make bold claims or promise folks to make $41.000 in a week.

      7. The price of Wealthy Affiliate is $47 per month and that’s it. No upsells, no downsells. I pay $29 per month because I chose a one time yearly payment ($359 per year).

      8. Your product is OVERPRICED and in FACT Wealthy Affiliate or any other legit program, such as Chris Farrell, Affilorama, Bring the Fresh offer a much better alternative for a much lower price.

      I will be waiting for your honest reply and hope you can provide some real arguments against mine.

  10. Tasos Perte Tzortzis says:

    Hey Rufat , what a title is that?…Get fooled and fool others?…I smell a scam attempt here.

    One of the worst products you reviewed?…Too bad for the market.What is going on with these MLMs?…They don’t respect anything?…Why do they always have a very expensive start up point and why they lack on quality training?

    What should I do with the general marketing tips , motivation and squeeze pages?…Squeeze pages do not work alone.But if they are included in a website that is full of useful content as landing pages , then there are chances to make sales.

    Or should I try to recruit people in that company?…But what should I tell those people , why should they accept my invitation?…Just to be able to do that to the next?…What is Secret Success website selling?…Bronze package starts at $700….No thx , but I won’t take the bait.And if I manage to sell an advanced package I won’t be credited at all…..Nightmare.Nonsense.Disappointment…

    Very honest advices , it needs much time to get earnings from online activities.

    Thx for the heads up

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Tasos for your extensive and interesting comment. I think you are right when saying that it smells like a scam. I really call a program scam in very rare cases and it’s exactly that case. I think MLMs respect and follow certain principles and it’s all only for the sake of making more money off of people. Like you say, they either have a poor training or even if they have a good training they sell it at a very high price that is not affordable to most people.

      I agree that if there is no quality and original content on your site then all other stuff, such as squeeze pages, motivational tips are useless. Content is the core of your business and you really must be focused on helping folks first before making money. If they feel you can help them they will trust you. This is exactly what makes or breaks your success.

      As for recruiting it’s your main task when it comes to MLMs. The other thing is the price of their packages that are really overpriced in my opinion. And it’s not because it’s a real price of the product. It’s because only this way they can promise you a high commission. I think Secret Success Machine is by far not the best program out there and that’s why I don’t recommend it.

  11. Mahmood says:

    So, your verdict was a scam. However, I have another point of view toward scams. In that view, scams are the one that isn’t paying the members for their work.
    So, If this company is paying, I won’t say it is a scam. But, I understand that it give many false hopes and very expensive products and that make it bad company but not a scam.
    That’s my opinion about scams

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Mahmud, thank you for your honest comment. The reason that I called it a scam was because as you exactly say they make too many false promises and bold claims such as a claim to help their members make $41.000 in a week. The truth is that we both are the members or a reputable program such as Wealthy Affiliate and you like me know very well that making money is not easy and what Secret Success Machine promises is REALLY far from being true or any close to reality.

      WA teaches us making money the honest and legit way and I think you respect WA community and are member like me because WA bring us to earth and we know a true value of make money program. Definition of scam can be very different and I think even if a program pays its members it doesn’t mean that it’s not a scam.

      For those members that are being paid by SSM it’s not a scam but for those who have been fooled it’s definitely a scam. Just imagine that you join Secret Success Machine and buy let’s say a Diamond package which will cost you $12,197 and then fail to make $41.000 in a week. What will you do then? And imagine now that this happens to other people.

      But I can agree that SSM is not a complete scam but it’s very close to being called a scam. To be honest, I always do my best to not call a program scam. On my site I call a program scam in very rare cases and in this particular case though I agree with you that SSM is not a complete scam it’s very close to it and has every aspect of being called a scam.

  12. Paul says:

    Rufat, I was wrong about saying I was scammed by SSM in my comment last night. it was an automatic text to me that shouldnt have been sent. A word in my text prompted Waynes autoresponder to consider me some one not interested in SSM. I instantly thought i was being scammed because I paid the fee, but was still skeptical. Ive been ripped off before. thankyou for listening and can you please take my comments down. thankyou

    • Rufat says:

      Hi Paul. I’m glad you haven’t been scammed by the program and I wish you best of luck with it. I prefer to keep all comments here and anyone who will read it they will see that you haven’t been scammed. But I recommend you to not jump to conclusions about secret success machine because many other people have been scammed. But I do ask you to come back here again and post your comment whether it’s positive or negative once you’ve tried the program so we can let other people know if secret success machine is really worth the money and time.

    • Seth says:

      I need your contact info!

  13. Frank says:

    I signed up with Secret Success Machine two weeks ago. I have make 6500 dollars thus far. Not a scam in my book. Everyone I know in this business is making money. Is it expensive to get in? Yes but well worth it. Oh yea your comparison of features with wealthy affiliate are wrong so get your facts straight. If I can make money with SSM anyone can believe me. I didnt even own a computer before I got in. So anyone interested please contact me so I can give you the real facts. SSM has changed my life and it can change yours as well. A great day to all.

    • Rufat says:

      Dear Frank, I really doubt that you made $6500 in two weeks. I’ve seen many claims like this. I know many successful internet marketers struggling online to make $10.000 per month and it’s really hard to reach those numbers. Speaking about making $41000 in a week is absolutely ridiculous and not realistic. The fact is that Secret Success Machine promotes highly overpriced products and most people can’t afford it. The business model Secret Success Machine is actively promoting is not a real business model because your mission as a promoter of this program is to invite someone who can pay for highly overpriced products so you can make money. Then I invite someone who can pay that much money so I can make money. So, there is no any value or a real business here. The same model is being actively promoted by Six Figure Mentors which is a much better alternative to Secret Success Machine and still there are complaints about them because many people lose their money. They buy high ticket items and then can’t invite anyone to join the same system and so they lose their money. I’m an experienced internet marketer and know from my personal experience how hard it’s to get people pay as little as $20 online, not to mention packages that cost you thousands of $ like in Secret Success Machine.

      Programs like Secret Success Machine or Six Figure Mentors are not for everyone because:

      1. Their products are very expensive and only few people can afford it
      2. It’s extremely hard to convince someone to join the program
      3. There is no guarantee that you make money
      4. If you buy a Bronze package, you will be able to earn a commission only if you sell the same package. If you sell an Elite package you won’t earn anything.

      My recommended program, Wealthy Affiliate never makes false promises to anyone and that’s why I recommend it, their price is affordable and their support is supreme. You won’t find any complaints about it on the web and this is a fact.

      If you are happy with the program I wish you all the best in your life and your business.

    • Paul says:

      Rufat think i was just scamed by Secret success Machine. Sent in check to man named Wayne Eaton{English accent}. spoke couple of times, he sent emails etc. He was supposed to send the information I needed to get set up tonight but told me that my email server wouldnt allow his email access to my email. I got in touch with my internet carrier, they said maybe emails were too extensive and that he should try to send information in 2 or 3 emails. texted him that, then received a text back stating, ” you obviously are not interested and will no longer be receiving any further communication from me” I was just talking to him 20 minutes before this text. I want to track this guy down. I want to try to get my money back. What are my options? thanks Paul

    • Rufat says:

      I understand you Paul and I’m very sorry that you’ve been scammed. It’s very normal to do things like this when you come across programs such as secret success machine. I understand that you want your money back but the only way you can do it is contact them persistently and ask for refund and maybe you will get your money back. I don’t know any service online when you can report the scam because there is no such a thing as internet police yet.

    • Ranay says:


      Curious, you didnt respond back to Rufat about the $6500 you said you made, when he said to you he doubts you made that. Its been a couple months now. Are you still doing well with SSM? Or have you come to a halt and not doing it? Where is your argument now? I want to hear how your still doing with SSM.

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Ranay for supporting me and I totally agree with you. I’ve seen people people like Frank and they always come to your review, leave an epic comment as they think it is and then leave and never come back again. I asked a number of questions and still waiting for his reply. He is probably very busy making thousands of dollars with SSM and some day will probably come back to this post some day. They always claim that they are making a lot of money but never reply to the comments.

    • Seth says:

      I need your contact info!

  14. Jayne says:

    I have not come across this MLM but thanks for the heads up. I have been burned in the past with this type of program. They promise the world and then just constantly upsell more ‘stuff’. I like the detail you’ve included here. I’ve often wondered why these MLMs are classified as pyramid schemes as they seem to be very similar.

    • Rufat says:

      Sorry to hear that you’ve been burnt by this type of MLM program. I understand Jayne what you are talking about. They always promise people the world and then instead of helping folks, they start upselling them product after product and it’s never ending process and it seems to never work. Finally you quit the program and start looking for a new one and the process repeats again and again until you find the right program. Secret Success Machine is the same type of product that upsells you through selling high ticket items and never really helps you. To me it’s a waste of time.

  15. Jason says:

    I have never heard of the Secret Success Machine until now. You really gave an in-depth insight into the company and it doesn’t sound like it is for me at all.

    I do like what I see on your recommended company Wealthy Affiliate and really considering starting their.


    • Rufat says:

      I’m happy you found my review of Secret Success Machine helpful. You are right, and I think it doesn’t sound like it’s for you or anyone else. The program doesn’t really focus on helping people and their ridiculous promise that you can make $41.000 in a single week alone is enough to stay away from their offer. This is a classic pyramid that makes money off you instead of helping you and their main focus is selling high ticket items and by doing so they make money off people like you. As for my recommended program it’s really worth the time and money and the best part of it is that you can try it for free before making a final decision. Their main focus (my recommended program) is to help you first and then and only then make money. It’s the principle that works. You can try and ask me questions if you have any and I will be happy to help you out.

  16. dlansing says:

    Wow, this is a really great review on a MLM online scam called the Secret Success Machine. Sure sounds like a big scam to me especially when the sole purpose is to recruit new members without any legitmate quality products. This review should serve as warning to us so that we would not fall to this scam! Thanks for your review!


    • Rufat says:

      Secret Success Machine is just another MLM program that fails to deliver any real value to people. They don’t teach people how to build a real business and they mainly focus on bringing people into their crappy system because they are in the business of making money. I really don’t know any MLM program that has a good reputation and there are always many complaints around them. And the worst part of all MLM programs is that they always try to sell people extremely expensive products for the sake of making more money which is a dishonest approach. I hope people reading my review will benefit from it and I hope they will make the right decision.

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