My Full Money System Review – Time to Print Money!

October 23, 2014 4 Comments


Product name: Full Money System

Owner: Dan Craig, Jimmy Kim


Price: $49

After discount: $9

Verdict: Scam

Full money system is a relatively new program that claims to not only teach you how to make money but how to “print” them. There is an ad on their website saying that it’s time to print money! They claim to give you a private access to their proven system that helped over 500 people to reach 6/7 figures business. And they don’t stop on that claim.

They claim to give you a six figure guarantee! That is really funny. I don’t really understand how they can give such a guarantee? I think they discredit themselves by doing this because no one can give such a guarantee. According to their statement, the system was designed to allow anyone to make money with it even without any previous experience.

To use the system you need to have a PayPal and auto responder accounts. If you don’t have your own accounts you can learn how to set them up, by watching videos inside a full money system member’s area or on YouTube. The next step of Full money system is about teaching you how to get traffic.

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They also provide you with a piece of software that will send you a massive traffic, once you push its magic button. To be honest, that kind of traffic is absolutely useless and can never be legit. There is no a source or a system on the entire web that can send traffic to your website at the push of a button.

The only legit way that I know is writing content for your website and getting it ranked on Google and other major search engines, engaging on social media, creating videos and uploading them to YouTube or paid traffic (PPC). This software can in no way help you drive traffic to your website and even if it does you won’t make any sales simply because that type of traffic is NOT targeted.


Inside Full money system:

Inside a full money system member’s area you will find:

Step 1: Welcome video from Dan

Step 2: Free call with a start up specialist

Step 3: Special full money system training

Step 4: Free gift for you

Step 5: Have a cell phone? Then watch this…

Step 6: Download your free app.

Actually, steps 5 and 6 will take you to other sites with one purpose – to sell you another product (upsell), and there are three upsells there ($47, $97, $198). This tactic is absolutely outdated when after buying the main product you’re pushed to buy some other “amazing products” aimed to help you grow your business.

There is a bonus inside member’s area and from there you will learn how to build your email list. But it doesn’t stop on that. They will offer you to register your auto responder account through their affiliate link and they will get a commission for that upsell. So, the main idea behind a full money system, is making more money out you instead of helping you!

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You will also get “done for you sales page” that you can use for your own business but I don’t think there is much value in it. The reason for giving you this useless page is again to make more money out of you because to use that page you’ll need to sign up to Hostzilla.

There are “done for you businesses” inside Elite money system option, (another useless pages) that will never rank on search engines. They offer you to stop wasting your time writing content for your site and instead of that to start focusing on the things that can make you real money!

This is absolutely wrong statement and unreasonable approach instead of teaching you how to build a strong foundation for a real business. All internet marketers know that the best and legit way to drive traffic and make money is through creating content, i.e. writing fresh content for your site.

There are also live trainings under Weekly training option that can be of little help.

Traffic money system software is a piece of software that you can use to automatically submit “done for you useless pages” to many websites and possibly get some traffic. As I mentioned above, it is not going to bring any serious and targeted traffic to your website because before bringing traffic you need to work on your website and create unique content. That kind of traffic is absolutely useless and won’t make you any serious money.

Social money system is another “traffic source” that teaches you how to leverage YouTube for your business. They recommend you to download an EBook called “YouTube made easy” to become an expert in video marketing.

They also offer some bonuses like a SEO backlink builder, a piece of software that creates instant backlinks on autopilot. That kind of software is absolutely outdated and is not going in any way to help your business grow. The backlinking strategy done this way is not recommended if you want to keep your business safe. If you use that SEO backlink builder I can guarantee that your site will be penalized by Google.

They are also trying to sell you a product called “Copy a Millionaire” and I don’t think it requires any further comments. This is just another empty promise.

full money system false promise




My final word on Full Money System

Finally, while there is some helpful stuff inside member’s area, the program is not going to help you build a real business online. However, there are many important things missing in the program, and there are many upsells that I don’t like.

There is no serious traffic course that can teach you the right techniques for bringing traffic to your website and what needs to be done to optimize your content for search engines the proper way.

Search engines are still and will be the main source of targeted traffic for any online business owner. And what I don’t like most in full money system is that they, like other scammers, make promises they fail to deliver. They offer a 6-figure guarantee, which is absolutely unreasonable statement and simply a lie.

A misleading video that they have on their website ( is another empty promise. In my opinion, there are too many negative sides in the program, and I really can’t find a single strong argument to recommend it to you.

I can recommend you the best program I know on the web – Wealthy Affiliate. At WA you will learn the basics of internet marketing, how to build a website, how to write content for your website, drive traffic to your site and finally make serious money from it.

Actually WA helped me to build my business from scratch and many other successful internet marketers that I know. Read my review of the WA below.




Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (4)

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  1. Riaz Shah says:

    Great review, rufat! I love how detailed you made it with screenshots too. Its sickening to see how programs try to bring you into other programs just so that they can get more money drained from you to fill in their pockets. Nobody could make millions overnight, not even a week, not even a month. It takes hard work which is why Wealthy Affiliate is the best program out there if you want to learn Online Business the right way. Thanks for taking the time to write this, Rufat, keep up the good work!

    • rufat says:

      Thank you Riaz for your comment. I totally agree that programs like Full Money System have been designed with the sole purpose to make more money off you. Dan Craig and Jimmy Kim promise people to make 6 figure income and it’s so ridiculous that I even find it difficult to comment further. And they even guarantee that you will make that amount of money. Can you imagine that? Long story short, the program is full of false promises and has all clear signs of being a scam. That’s why I love WA because of their realistic and honest approach. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  2. Murphy Ong says:

    It is great to have someone reveal the truth behind the lies like Full Money System! Thanks, Rufat!

    • Rufat says:

      Thank you Murphy for your comment. You said it exactly and Full Money System is really just another lie. Programs like this one that promises you to make 6,7 figure is absolutely ridiculous and unrealistic. And even they give you a 6 figure guarantee. Can you imagine that? Or they promise that you can click a magic button and get tons of free traffic. This program is full of unrealistic promises and ridiculous statements. Also, once you are inside members area you will see many upsells thrown on you which is really bad because whenever I see upsells it means that the product is not complete and you need to spend more in order to get more. They also offer “done for you businesses” which is absolutely useless bunch of pages because there is such a think like done for you system that you can take and make money with it. And the last thing that proves again that Full Money System is just another lie is that they offer a SEO backlink builder, in order to create instant backlinks on autopilot. This piece of software is absolutely useless and can even destroy your entire business on autopilot. That’s why I really recommend to stay away from this program and save the time and money.

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