Easy Insta Profits – Scam Alert

August 25, 2020 0 Comments

Easy Insta Profits

$37 + upsells up to $900







Overall Quality



  • Decent training on Instagram


  • The website is down
  • Video is totally misleading
  • Exaggerated income claims
  • No supportive community
  • Removed from Clickbank


Product name: Easy Insta Profits

Website: www.easyinstaprofits.com

Founder: Mike Richards

Price: $37+ upsells

Overall rank: 1 out of 10

Verdict: Borderline Scam (Removed from Clickbank)


This is my new review of another useless product called Easy Insta Profits by so called super affiliate marketer Mike Richards.

This person is a fake persona who reminds me another fake persona Charles Allen, the creator and founder of Secret Millionaire Bot.

This review will be short because I feel there is no need to review the same program.

I will briefly mention main points and expose obvious scam features so you see for yourself that Easy Insta Profits is a scam at worst and a borderline scam at best.



Short Review of Easy Insta Profits

Easy Insta Profits teaches you how to make money using Instagram which is legit method…

BUT the program was removed from Clickbank and is probably now promoted through ClickBetter marketplace.



Is Easy Insta Profits a Scam?

Easy Insta Profits is a borderline scam for two reasons:

1. It is duplicate of another program: Secret Millionaire Bot
2. Easy Insta Profits was removed and banned from Clickbank



Pros of Easy Insta Profits

  • Decent training on Instagram



Cons of Easy Insta Profits

  • The website is down
  • Removed from Clickbank
  • Misleading video
  • Fake millionaires from Fiverr
  • Hidden upsells
  • Exaggerated income claims




How Does Easy Insta Profits Work?

Easy Insta Profits teaches you exactly same methods that you find in another program that I reviewed which is Secret Millionaire Bot.

It’s about building an audience on Instagram and driving traffic to your business (blog) and then monetizing it.

Easy Insta Profits includes 9 videos, such as




  • What Is Instagram?
  • Starting On The Right Foot
  • Building Your Instagram Brand
  • Creating An Instagram Business Account
  • 5 Ways To Make More Money On Instagram
  • Becoming A Dropshipper On Instagram
  • Affiliate Marketing Case Study
  • Growing Your Instagram followers
  • Sponsored Post


To complete the whole training will take maybe 2 hours. That’s it.

There is no secret info and the quality of the training is not impressive at all.




Easy Insta Profits Upsells

The price of Easy Insta Profits is $37 but you have to pay way more. The program has a pro version and some other so called advanced packages up to $900.

It’s obvious because you are promised to earn an affiliate commission up to 50% ($450) per sale which means the product is way more expensive than $37.





What I like about Easy Insta Profits?

The only likable thing about Easy Insta Profits is on Clickbank it had money back guarantee.

The program is no longer available and probably can be ordered at ClickBetter. But I’m not sure if it is available there.

Anyway, if you buy Secret Millionaire Bot you will get exactly the same useless product.




What I don’t like about Easy Insta Profits?

There are two many things to unlike in the program and I think no need to repeat the same info here.

For more details you can read here. For a brief info see the list below.




  • The website is down
  • Removed from Clickbank
  • Misleading video
  • Fake millionaires from Fiverr
  • Hidden upsells
  • Exaggerated income claims




Easy Insta Profits Promises and Realities

Like any other program, Easy Insta Profits makes some promises and there are realities.

If these two parts don’t correlate with each other it means the product is not good.

When it comes to Easy Insta Profits we see that promises about exaggerated income claims don’t correlate with real situation.

Making $1,300 a day working 20 minutes is not realistic time frame for this kind of income at all! It is a big exaggeration.

This can be possible if you have thousands and thousands subscribers on your Instagram channel.

This implies a lot of work month after month or year after year.




Can You Really Make Money with Easy Insta Profits?

Of course you can. Who can say making money with Instagram is impossible.

But it becomes almost impossible with low quality training and almost non existent support like Easy Insta Profits.




If you promote this useless program to other people then you can earn some good money.

But this will be almost impossible because of a big number of scam reviews that exposed this program.




Final Review of Easy Insta Profits

  • The website is down
  • Removed from Clickbank
  • Misleading video
  • Fake millionaires from Fiverr
  • Hidden upsells
  • Exaggerated income claims
  • Overall score: 1 out of 10
  • Verdict: Scam (Removed and banned from Clickbank)


My Top Recommended Programs

    Program # 1 – Wealthy Affiliate

  Program # 2 – Income School




About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

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