Your First Million Review

December 19, 2014 6 Comments

first million


Product owner: a group of people not interested in your success

Verdict: Not recommended


I’ve recently come across a website that makes a promise to his visitors that they can easily make their first million just in a few weeks. Can you imagine this? I can’t. How about you? Yes, I’m not wrong, this is what the program exactly promises you.

If you watch the promotional video on that website, get ready to hear some breaking news, that some of their customers (paid actors, of course) have made their first million in 7 weeks!!!

Then they tell similar stuff that every day many people become millionaires and now it’s your turn to turn to that website and make your first million. Don’t miss this opportunity.

They promise that after watching their video you’re going to learn how YOU can make your first million. That’s really crazy. That’s a pretty silly statement BUT if only you have some experience in internet marketing and understand how far is their promise from the truth.


The main idea behind Your First Million

Ok, the main idea behind their website is that they’ve invented a revolutionary system that will do all the work for you so you can make your millions and you just watch your progress. Let’s dig deeper into the program to see what it really is.


Pros of the program:

You probably can make a few bucks

A step-by-step guide on how to use the system

cool system to make your first million



Cons of the program:

There is no real money back guarantee

You can lose all your hard earned money by gambling

Empty promises about exaggerated earnings

No real support, no community

Not the proper way to build a real business online

You can’t try the program for free



Inside the program:

1.First off, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that from the very beginning they are lying to you that you can try it for free. It’s not true. You need to invest 250$ to start using their revolutionary system. And the way you can earn money with their system involves a lot of risks because your “business” is going to be based on prediction.


2.The type of business you’re involved here is known as binary options currency trading. This site is by far not the only one promoting this kind of business on the web. It isn’t about currency trade, you just play with two types of currencies predicting their move.


3.If you’re lucky, you can make some money and to make a lot of money you have to invest a lot of money. To be successful in this type of trading, you must learn some skills though even then there is no any guarantee. It’s really hard to predict whether a currency will go up or down.


4.You should have some at least basic knowledge about market fluctuations, politics and economy. That involves a human factor and no machine in the world can automate this process because life is changing.

binary trading


5.But this “awesome” program claims that using your first million software you can fully control all the process and put it on autopilot. Of course, there are some traders that make money BUT they have a lot of experience and probably some spare cash and even they very often lose lots of money.


6.This kind of business is very similar to Forex trading because both are based on prediction. I have a brother of mine who lives in Canada and he has been involved in Forex business for some time.

He red a lot of information about how to trade the proper way, watched tons of tutorials and had some good experience and finally ended up wasting more than 10.000$.

That’s why I really don’t recommend you to get involved in binary options trading because most probably people that stand behind “Your first million” are going to make money out of you each time you invest in their software.


7.If they were honest and interested in your success, they would create some kind of real and practical tutorials to help you understand how the binary trading works, how to trade the proper way to minimize your risks. But making money this way will always imply the risk of losing money.


8.Also, the program claims that you can withdraw your money any time though it isn’t true. Of course, sometimes you can withdraw a small amount of your deposit but you won’t be able to withdraw all your deposit. And very often you need to do a certain number of trades to be able to withdraw the money.


Final word on Your First Million

Finally, though a binary options trading isn’t a ponzi or pyramid scheme, I highly recommend to stay away from that type of “business”. And in this particular case you must avoid the advertised program because of many cons that anyone can spot easily.

Most important thing is that no software in the world can predict market or currency fluctuations because it is simply impossible. And this is exactly what your first million promises you is possible with their system.

And they claim that you’re going to benefit from unbelievable technological breakthrough using their system and all who have joined their program made their first million without any skills in the first few weeks 🙂

And keep in mind that people that stand behind this program get a commission from binary brokers each time they refer new customers to them.

I believe you’re wise enough to come to the right decision and I believe you realize that you MUST avoid this program.


Ok, is there any real alternative to Your first million out there?

Ok, you then may ask, what now? There is a way to make money online the proper and legit way. There is a program that can teach you how to make money and this is actually the program that helped me to build my business.

The program I’m talking about helped thousands of people and I know many of them. If you’re interested in starting your real business without being scammed by programs like your first million, please read my review of WA – #1 online business community in the world. But be aware that this program is not a get rich quick scheme or push button money or make money on autopilot system.

If you still believe in the existence of such programs then I’m going to disappoint you because all those programs and schemes are pure scams most of which I tried in the past.

I highly recommend you to read my review of the WA below or go to “For beginners” section of my site and read some of the stuff available there and I believe you will get answers to most of your questions. And feel free to contact me anytime and I will be more than happy to help you out.





Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (6)

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  1. Market Merchant says:

    First million review, hmmmmmmm, I like it lots of informative content, and lots of experience obviously to back it, otherwise you couldn’t write so much about something you know not of.

    Great work, however millions online? Really? Like I earn a living which I enjoy with all the free time, however getting rich and having free time? This thought made it hard to continue reading, just came off as the “fake promise” type site.

    Sorry to be blunt, but add some personality,

    Zach C. (Owner)

    Market Merchant (MM+)

    • Rufat says:

      Of course the program is a total BS in my opinion. Though I don’t consider trading binary options to be a scam but this particular program is not worth the time. It’s really unfair to give people such unrealistic promises about millions when people can’t even make a few hundred bucks online. And it’s even more unfair to describe the process of making money online as easy process that requires little effort and a lot of money in return. That’s why I think Your First Million is not worth your time or effort.

  2. Shrey says:

    I like your post, however do you think this product is value for money and does it have as much as info as on WA
    Would I have any benefits joining this program or would I be in a pit and would not be able to steer clear through all the newbies that are trying out internet marketing ???

    • Rufat says:

      As I understand from your comment you are already a member of Wealthy Affiliate and fortunately, I’m a member of this awesome community too. It looks like you are trying to find some other program to make money and if so, my sincere recommendation to you is don’t look any further. You are in the right program and you have everything at your hands to build a successful online business being a member of WA. When it comes to this program, i.e. Your First Million, I don’t think you actually need to join it because in order to make money with binary options you need to invest money and there is no guarantee that you will make any money at all. If it was a good opportunity I would join it myself too. Instead of wasting your time with this program I recommend you to focus on building a real business which is exactly what you are being taught inside WA. Yes, I know that for most people, binary options business looks very appealing, but the truth is that most people lose their money at long term trades that requires huge investments. I don’t recommend it. You can make $1000 today and lose $2000 tomorrow. This is how binary options system works.

  3. Jeff says:

    This is a good cautionary article to stay away from Your First Million. From what you describe – it sounds like a very risky business idea – and some people may get lucky and make money – but that’s a gamble. I don’t think anyone looking to start an online business wants to gamble. Thanks for sharing this info – and keeping me away from Your First Million.

    • Rufat says:

      To be honest, in my opinion, the reason why so many people fall for scams when starting online is because of the wrong thinking. They don’t have any idea or understanding what making money online means. In short, there are 4 most popular types of business opportunities out there:

      1. Online surveys, paid to click programs (PTCs)
      2. Affiliate marketing
      3. MLM
      4. Binary options

      Before getting taken by a scam we need to understand what each of these opportunities can make for us. The first one is legit but you can make little to know money at all with this opportunity. The second one is the most popular and one that makes me money. I recommend it. The third one is very close to scam rating but actually a scam. Many people lose their money with MLMs. And the last one is very similar to gambling. Yes, it’s true that you can make money with binary options and we have to admit this fact. But we have to admit another fact too which is that binary options business is very risky and you can make money as much as you can lose too. That’s anyone who is starting online should decide for themselves, what type of money opportunity they want and then choose a program.

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