Push Button Money Review

December 17, 2014 6 Comments


Website: http://pushbuttonmoney.com

Product owner: Aaron Darko

Price: $37

Verdict: Scam at worst and not recommended at best


In all my reviews I always draw my readers attention to being very careful about money making push buttons or get rich quick schemes and today I’m going to review one of such products. The product in question is Push Button Money, the owner of which is Aaron Darko. At first glance, Aaron and his product seem legit BUT…

I really appreciate his being honest BUT at the same time he isn’t different from all other scammers that claim to have invented a system that makes money making process a real fun.

Compared to many other similar programs, Aaron’s sales page isn’t too long and he uses the same technique, i.e. convincing words with empty promises. Ok, let us dig deeper and see what his system is all about. Can you really make money with it? Or is it just another scam?

The main idea behind Push Button Money system is that it’s 100% done for you system to start making money and with three simple clicks you’ll be able to make the internet your cash-sucking slave 🙂

Though Aaron claims that his system completely automates the entire money making process, it is all about creating a squeeze page and then collecting email addresses. Nothing new.



Pros of the program:

Step-by-step training


Cons of the program:

  • False promises
  • Exaggerated earnings
  • No active forum where you can get help from real successful internet marketers
  • No real support from the owner of the program
  • Training is very basic and will not answer most of your questions about internet marketing
  • Many upsells in the program such as, Traffic Volcano (a separate software you will need to buy to generate traffic to your sites), Money by the month club, Commission Overflow.


I Know of a Program that Blows Away Push Button Money and is Free to Try, Find Out More Info Here!

Inside the program

The program offers a step-by-step training and if you’re completely new to internet marketing, it can be in some way useful. But if you are looking for a way to build your business online on a strong foundation and learn the very basics of internet marketing and how to make online the PROPER way, then this training is absolutely useless.


The training includes:

Video #1 – Get your hands dirty – Just introductory video

Video #2 – Set up your return investment – Explains the basics of making money, and as Aaaron claims, this lesson is the foundation of his system, and if you skip it, you won’t be able to achieve any success. Sounds so mysterious BUT most likely won’t make you any serious money.

Video #3 – Getting out of the Gates – Aaron shows you how his program works as if you watch him over his shoulder. Sounds great BUT nothing is great about his system.

Video #4 – BIG BIG (BIG) Traffic – Aaron claims that after watching this video, you’re going to explore never-before-seen Traffic Mayhem System and your sites will never be hungry for traffic. Are you really serious Aaron? Trust me, you won’t explore anything that isn’t already known to all successful internet marketers in regards to free web traffic, i.e. (Search engine optimisation, YouTube and email marketing)

Video #5 – Conversion Mastermind – you will learn how to increase your conversions with existing traffic.

Video #6 – Localised Money Ninja – Aaron will show you how to take the Push Money Button program to the next level. He claims that he will tell you the most guarded secret to making money online that has never been revealed before in any course or seminar. Sounds great BUT it’s another empty promise.

In addition to all this, there are 3 upsells in the program and that means you’re going to spend more from the initial price $37.

push button

If you, by mistake make a decision to buy his “awesome program” you’ll see the following on your screen. This is another misleading technique, just to make you believe that the program won’t stay there for a long. So, you must buy it asap 🙂

click bank

What I don’t like is that Aaron claims his system to be as easy as 1..2..3.

Click #1 – Choose your product

Click #2 -Select your preferred form of contact to talk to your potential customer

Click #3 – You simply fill out two boxes inside the software and click and then sit back and watch the magic happen (money start flowing into your pocket) 🙂

He also claims that you don’t need to learn HTML to build your website. LOL. Because he knows that an average internet user isn’t aware of wordpress. As if he saves you from unnecessary work. No one needs to learn HTML today. You can build a website within minutes if not seconds. You can read my article and build your website right now without learning HTML.

Aaron claims that you don’t need to worry about SEO anymore. This is not true because search engine optimisation has always been #1 technique for getting free traffic to any website, and any successful internet marketers is well aware of that. BUT not an average internet user, and this is exactly what Aaron takes an advantage of to mislead people.

But one thing that I do appreciate is that while he offers a crappy product but he tries to be honest. On his website he honestly says that he can’t guarantee every single person will make money with his system,

honest Darko


BUT at the same time he says that with his system the process becomes as easy as 1..2..3.. 🙂



There is not such a thing as active forum with active members where you can get help whenever you need it. There is not a live chat, just you and his crappy product. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.

Internet marketing involves many things to learn and apply and I simply can’t imagine Aaron helping out hundreds of customers each having tons of questions. I don’t think you can be successful with that kind of support and plus his product is by FAR not the best one on the internet.


Negative reviews found even on Warrior forum

When I review products, I never refer to Warrior forum though it is one of the most “famous” internet marketing forums out there. It was a good place a few years ago but unfortunately, it is known now for defending crappy products. Aaron is also a member of that forum. I found the discussion here

push button scam

warrior forum

warrior push button


And I was really surprised when I found negative reviews about Aaron and his crappy product EVEN on that forum. The fact is many folks are unhappy with his amazing, revolutionary system. That proves again that it’s not the product you need to be successful online. I could easily continue my review and add more facts but I don’t want to waste my time on that kind of products.


Final word on Push Button Money

Long story short, I’m sure you must avoid this product because of many negative reviews, obvious cons, false promises etc. You may ask, What now? If you’re really interested in starting an online business and making money online then you must, first of all, change your mind if you still believe in the existence of money making push buttons.

I can honestly recommend you the best place on the entire web that you can join for free BUT before that I highly recommend you to read my review below so you can understand what to expect from the program.

This program (actually an online business community) helped thousands of people to build an online businesses and it helped me to build my business.

If you want to make serious money online, (5000 to $10000 per month and even more) you should expect to put a lot of effort in your online business before you see results and this how internet marketing works.

Products like Push Button Money come and go but real legit business works for years.



Filed in: Product Review

About the Author:

My name is Adam. I'm the founder of Your Income Advisor. My goal is to help others succeed online, by exposing scams and reviewing top rated products. I can help you start your own business online

Comments (6)

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  1. Kris M. says:

    Hi Rufat,

    Thank you for exposing this for what it is! Really, if there were such a thing as pushing a button and making tons of money, why would anybody have a job? Why would anybody still be looking for ways to make money.

    I think the one core lesson that people just don’t seem to understand that makes these scams work is that you don’t buy something to start earning an income! You might invest in tools or support or something, but you don’t buy a product once and then make millions selling the same product. It just doesn’t happen or we’d all be rich. Thank you for the honest review.


    • Rufat says:

      Agree with you Kris, We just invest in tools and support and the rest depends on our efforts and skills. Unfortunately, most people still don’t realize that the only way to become successful online is through continuous efforts and improving your skills.

  2. Alan Roy Hocking says:

    Hi Rufat

    I’m surprised we’re not all sitting on a tropical beach sipping Piña Coladas watching our automated cash machines ring all day long!

    Are these people really serious?

    I’m pretty sure if I had discovered a secret push button system that would make money on autopilot I certainly wouldn’t be sharing it with anyone for just $37

    Thanks for bringing yet another make money online scam into the spotlight and letting everyone know not to touch it with a barge pole!

    Alan 🙂

  3. Chris says:

    Yet another ‘push button’ money making scheme – I’m surprised at how many millionaires there must be online now!
    You hit the nail on the head with your highlighting of the lack of forum – every decent program related to marketing must have some sort of community. Without it you are pretty much paddling alone! Thanks for covering this low quality opportunity Rufat, will be staying away from this one!

    • Rufat says:

      You are right Chris. Any program that claims to teach people how to make money online should provide quality support or have an active forum of like minded people so that anyone can get support anytime they need it. Without support and active community it’s extremely hard for a newbie to succeed online. This product comes without any support or active community which means people who are new to making money online will be on their own in most cases. It looks like Aaron is a very controversial person. On the one hand he tries to be honest with his audience, and on the other hand he makes unrealistic claims. Instead of helping folks he throws upsells on them for the sake of making more money. As for his training on email marketing, the strategy is good and proven but he should explain to people that it takes a considerable amount of time to build a list first, and then learning how to make money from your list.

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